“Now ratified”… UK ministers to sell’Post Brexit Agreement’

British Prime Minister Johnson is pleased with the conclusion of the Brexit negotiations

picture explanationBritish Prime Minister Johnson is pleased with the conclusion of the Brexit negotiations

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Major UK ministers started to sell the agreement on future relations negotiations with the European Union in earnest.

This is because, as we conclude the discussion on’Post Brexit’ with the EU, it is only necessary to pass the parliamentary ratification.

In this regard, the British Parliament convenes on the morning of the 30th (local time) to proceed with ratification of the agreement on future relations negotiations with the EU, including the trade agreement.

After negotiating with the EU on the 24th, the British government released a 34-page summary and is expected to come up with a full 1,246-page agreement soon.

◇ Director of the Gob State Affairs Coordination Office “Protecting God… Establishing a’special relationship’ with the EU”

During the 2016 Brexit referendum, Michael Gove, head of the State Affairs Coordination Office, who led the EU withdrawal camp along with the current Prime Minister Boris Johnson, made a statement on the conclusion of the negotiations through a contributing to The Times on the 26th.

He said that the years since Brexit’s decision in a referendum were “very difficult times” for Britain.

“Friendship was crunched, families were divided, and our politics was malicious and sometimes ugly,” said Gove, head of the Office of State Affairs Coordination.

As a politician for the past four years, he said he has made mistakes and misjudgments beyond his own, that old friendships have broken down, and that he has seen the closest people endure unexpected pressures.

He said he felt responsible for completing Brexit as he insisted on voting to leave the EU.

He and Prime Minister Johnson emphasized that the agreement “stayed in good faith” for supporters of the EU withdrawal.

Michael Gove, Head of the Office of State Affairs, UK [AFP=연합뉴스]

picture explanationMichael Gove, Head of the Office of State Affairs, UK [AFP=연합뉴스]

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Gove, head of the Office of State Coordination, explained that the agreement “will give British companies certainty and enable them to plan for growth and investment.”

On the one hand, he stressed that “we can set a new example of friendly cooperation with the EU with equal sovereignty.”

In other words, you can build a “special relationship”.

The British have used the expression’special alliance’ when describing relations with the United States, and the Times analyzed that the expression’special relation’ was used.

Gove, head of the Office of State Affairs Coordination, emphasized that the UK can now focus more on the domestic agenda as it has concluded negotiations on future relations with the EU.

He said, “We have an opportunity to renew our country and recover from the wounds of the Corona 19 pandemic (global pandemic) through our joint efforts and solidarity,” he said. “We have a duty to spread the equality of opportunities, and to respond to inequality and injustice. I can.”

◇ Home Secretary Patel emphasized “The UK will be safer”

According to BBC Broadcasting, Home Secretary Pretty Patel said that the conclusion of the negotiations on future relations will make the UK more secure as’real Brexit’ becomes possible.

Pretty Patel, British Home Secretary [AP=연합뉴스]

picture explanationPretty Patel, British Home Secretary [AP=연합뉴스]

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“We have a chance for the UK to be safer,” Patel said. “In addition, we will have tighter and fairer border control.”

“The UK will continue to be one of the safest countries in the world,” Patel said. “We are very proud” of the security package agreed with the EU.

“Both sides will continue to have effective tools to counter felony and terrorism while protecting the public and putting criminals on the judgment seat of justice,” she said.

The UK Home Office explained that the agreement on future relations will give both sides a fast and efficient exchange system for DNA, fingerprints and vehicle number data along with an efficient extradition agreement.

You can also share information about people traveling on an airplane or ferry through’Passenger Name Records’.


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