Now, make a reservation for KTX tickets on the’Naver’ and’Kakao T’apps.

From February 1st, Korea Railroad announced that it will provide ticket reservation services for trains such as KTX in’Naver’ and’Kakao T’apps.

The ticket reservation service, which had been provided by the mobile app’Korail Talk’, will be expanded to the’Naver’,’Naver Map’ and’Kakao T’apps.

Naver or Kakao T members can purchase tickets directly from the app even if they are not railroad members or do not have Korail Talk.

Considering the characteristics of Naver and Kakao T apps that are always logged in, non-railroad members can easily issue online tickets without a separate sign-up procedure and app installation, which is expected to further increase the convenience of using non-face-to-face rail services.

Is provided in the’Naver’ and’Naver Map’ apps.

If you enter keywords related to train tickets such as’KTX’ or’Train ticket reservation’ in the Naver app search bar, the ticket reservation screen appears. You can set the departure/arrival station, check the train timetable, and select a seat to pay. Tickets issued can be checked in the’My Reservation’ menu of the Naver app.

In the’Naver Map’ app, a’train inquiry/reservation’ menu will be added.

If you click the All menu and select Train Inquiry Reservation, you will be directed to the ticket reservation screen.

Is provided through the’Kakao T’app.

You can reserve a ticket by accessing the’Train’ menu that is newly installed on the first screen of the Kakao T app.

It searches based on the location of the departure/arrival destination, recommends the best railroad route, and leads to the ticket reservation screen. Tickets issued can be checked in the’Services’ menu.

In the Kakao Talk app, you can go to the ticket reservation screen of the Kakao T app through the’Korail Notification Talk’ channel. It is said that KakaoTalk is also preparing a service to reserve tickets directly.

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