“November German mutant corona already found”

Input 2020.12.29 08:25

A new coronavirus infection (Corona 19) mutant virus recently discovered in the UK has already appeared in Germany last month.

Medical staff at Hanover Medical School in Germany came to this conclusion as a result of taking samples of patients who had symptoms of Corona 19 at the time, citing health authorities in Saxony State, and the German daily Develt reported on the 28th (local time). It is reported that the Charite Medical School in Berlin also confirmed the report of the Hanover Medical School.

Flight information to the UK displayed on the board at the departure hall of Incheon International Airport in the morning of the 28th. /yunhap news

In addition, the German state of Baden-Wurttemberg announced that a corona19 patient who entered Frankfurt by air from the UK on the 20th was infected with the mutant virus. The patient, who entered the country to visit a relative’s house, was confirmed as soon as he arrived, and has since been self-quarantine in a family car, Reuters reported.

Meanwhile, the corona 19 mutant virus originating in the UK is known to have stronger transmission power than the previous one, but it is known to be low in terms of lethality. It is known that it first appeared in the southeastern part of England, UK last September. In addition to European countries such as France, Ireland, Spain and Norway, it is also confirmed in Asia such as Japan, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Singapore, and Australia. It was confirmed on the 28th in Korea.
