“Notify the step-aged uncles” Cafe boss warns… What happened?

[사진출처 = 온라인 커뮤니티]

picture explanation[사진출처 = 온라인 커뮤니티]

The lady, who runs a cafe alone, hung a placard in front of her shop so that customers who regularly abusive and personally attack her could see it.

This fact comes from the fact that Mr. A, the president, recently released a picture of a banner in an online community where cafe owners gathered.

A banner titled’Notify the Yangachi Uncles’ said, “If a woman says she’s doing business alone, she comes and swears and swears, but there is no more mercy.” I am letting you know that we will take a strong legal action without preemption on our back.”

He wrote, “The president of the ○○ restaurant, who was caught by us for habitual swearing, is suing defamation. Please provide additional information. I will not be patient with those who are only strong against the weak.”

Netizens responded by saying, “Would you have done that if you weren’t so good?”

Mr. A also revealed his story through Instagram on the 4th. He said that there was no conflict while doing business here. Even now, the nearby factories, companies, and foreigners from other places wrote that they love it.

However, he said, “Because of some people who are living or doing business, I had to call the police several times a day, and I patiently put up with it.”

A said that there was a dispute with customers who offered to drink at the store even though the price was discounted under the terms of takeout for a while. He also went to a lawsuit after having a conflict with the owner of a nearby restaurant, and he was said to have paid a fine.

Mr. A said that from some point in time he had been hard at work, and there were fewer customers than he had endured. In the end, he said, “If there is injustice and injustice, I think it will make a better society to stand up and speak out even a little even if it is uncomfortable and damages.”

[이상규 매경닷컴 기자 [email protected]]
[ⓒ 매일경제 & mk.co.kr, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
