Not Over the Horizon… Samsung Electronics’ first brand sound is CES 2021

Photo courtesy = Samsung Electronics

Photo courtesy = Samsung Electronics

Samsung(89,700 -0.99%)Is the first to produce and disclose the brand sound representing the company, and announce the brand identity.

On the 13th, Samsung Electronics announced that it introduced a new brand sound’The Voyage’ at’CES 2021′, the world’s largest information technology (IT) and home appliance exhibition.

There were representative sounds of Samsung Electronics such as’Over the Horizon’, which is famous for the ringtone of Galaxy smartphones, and’Beyond the Horizon’, which is a functional sound of home appliances, but this is the first time that Samsung Electronics attempts to communicate with brand sound.

Samsung Electronics explained that “Sail is the result of sound designers who have developed various product function sounds to represent and encompass the brand identity as a whole.”

The basic melody of the new brand sound consists of a total of 4 simple notes. The atmosphere of the existing sounds was made to be used universally by simplifying the scale while the ear has permanence.

‘Do’, the foremost sound of sailing, symbolizes the solid sense of trust and stability that Samsung Electronics products give, Samsung Electronics explained. He said that he was preparing for a leap with difficulties as the middle melody inflection point, and the last tension sound’re’ expressed anticipation and excitement for the future.

Samsung Electronics plans to use a single motif melody to give a sense of unity, but to arrange the voyage in a variety of ways to use it for product introductions, stores, events, digital content, and other marketing.

An official from Samsung Electronics said, “Hearing has a much faster image imprinting effect than visual and tactile sense, so it is a brand element that is actively used in the luxury industry.” “He said.

Seongsu Bae, reporter of [email protected]

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