North Korea’s 8th Party Congress, which began with economic reflection, ends with a surprise attack

North Korean leader Kim Jong-un was elected as the party’s’general secretary’ through the 8th Labor Party Congress, the labor newspaper reported on the 11th. The photo shows Chairman Kim applauding at the party conference. Pyongyang Labor News = News 1

North Korea’s 8th Party Congress, which started on the 5th as’economic reflection’, is expected to end with a late-night fervor, showing off strategic weapons. The Joint Chiefs of Staff announced on the 11th that “the North Koreans caught the situation in which North Korea held a party conference-related parade at Kim Il-sung Square yesterday in the middle of the night.” The late-night fever ceremony is the second ever since last October’s 75th anniversary.

North Korea elected North Korean leader Kim Jong-un as the Labor Party general secretary at the 6th meeting the day before. While the first vice president Kim Yeo-jeong, who was expected to be promoted, was excluded from the high-level list of the Political Bureau, while the first vice-director of the organizational leadership of the two-top two-top Cho Yong-won, who closely followed Kim along with Vice President Kim, was promoted to a standing committee member of the Political Bureau. After the announcement of the key members of the party leadership, a late-night fervor was held.

North Korea held a late-night fervor at the time of the 70th anniversary of the founding of the Labor Party in October last year. Pyongyang = Labor News News 1

Late night fever amid strong cold… show off force ahead of Biden’s government

It is unusual for a feverish ceremony to be held before and after the party convention. Five years ago, at the time of the 7th Party Congress, there was a crowd contest and a torch parade right after the closing, and at the 6th Party Congress held in October 1980, crowd demonstrations and group gymnastics were held. There was no separate fever. The reason that North Korea carried out a late-night fever ceremony after three months even in the cold of -16 degrees below zero has a strong intention to suppress the steamship by showing off its force ahead of the inauguration of the US administration on the 20th. In this party convention, North Korea even stipulated that the United States is the’largest enemy’ and to strengthen its national defense capabilities in the party agreement.

As the first officially formulated nuclear submarine development and emphasized nuclear armament through a report by the Labor newspaper on the 9th, it is also of interest what new weapons appeared in this feverish ceremony. During the feverish ceremony in October last year, a new type of intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) that developed the Hwaseong-15 type and a new type of submarine-launched ballistic missile (SLBM),’Arctic-4S’, were shown. At that time, North Korea, which was broadcast on Chosun Joongang TV on the afternoon of the day of the fever, has not yet released the video of the fever.

The North Korean Labor News reported on the 11th that Kim Jong-un, general secretary of the Korean Workers’ Party, attended the 8th plenary meeting of the Central Committee of the Korean Workers’ Party held in the headquarters meeting room of the Party Central Committee on the 10th. Labor newspaper capture Newsis

Economic reflection at the beginning of the party… the last minute’nuclear 36 mentions’ sudden reversal

Initially, the party conference was expected to focus on discussions on economic development plans, starting with an opening speech by Chairman Kim, “The period of implementation of the five-year strategy for national economic development was over last year, but the goals set forth were enormously short.” Chairman Kim, who wore a suit five years ago, even showed his willingness to break through the economic crisis this time wearing a people’s suit. Contrary to expectations, on the 8th of his birthday, he continued to report on the business summary (settlement), highlighting the aspect of the’Aemin Leader’. Contrary to the emphasis on nuclear and missile efforts at the opening remarks of the 2016 party conference, it seemed to refrain from mentioning force until the beginning of the conference.

However, at the last minute, Chairman Kim referred to the nuclear program 36 times, causing a sudden reversal. Some have interpreted that the intention of Chairman Kim, who has not had an economic achievement to put forth in the face of international sanctions, a novel coronavirus infection (Corona 19), and floods, is trying to mobilize internally by showing off his force. This is because it is the second party congress to be held since the Kim Jong-un regime, and as it is entering its 10th year in power this year, there must be a result that can gather the residents. In the days of his eldest son, Kim Jong-il, chairman of the National Defense Commission, he never held a party conference.

As the party congress is still ongoing until this day, there is a possibility that North Korea will come up with a five-year plan for national economic development at the last minute. After the election for the ‘8th Party Central Guidance Agency’ on the 10th, North Korea is expected to hold a meeting on the 7th day and adopt the party’s decision. In the aftermath of Corona 19, more than 7,000 people gathered, and the party congress, which continued a strong march, is scheduled to end with a longer than expected ‘6 nights 7 days’ schedule.

Seungim Jeong reporter

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