“North Korea exported only 2 million won worth to China last month”

Last month, North Korea’s real exports to China were found to have plunged to 2 million won, the Voice of the United States (VOA) broadcast said on the 26th. It is analyzed because North Korea locked the border by walking the border for quarantine against a novel coronavirus infection (Corona 19).

The photo shows a tour bus lined up from Sinuiju, North Korea to Dandong, China. [연합]

The photo shows a tour bus lined up from Sinuiju, North Korea to Dandong, China. [연합]

As a result of the VOA’s analysis of data from China’s Customs General, the actual exports to China in November were 2382 dollars (about 2.63 million won), which was the total exports of electricity (1,112,2812 dollars) from North Korea’s total exports to China of $1125,000 during the same period. It is a figure excluding Electricity is electricity exchanged between North Korea and China joint hydroelectric power plants. So, VOA explains that it should be subtracted from actual exports.

Among the items exported from North Korea to China, cosmetics were the most at $1854. Other products ($509) and soap ($19) followed. In the same month, only 16 items were imported from China by North Korea. Excluding electricity, North Korea’s real income to the public was only $143,000.

In the aftermath of Corona 19, North Korea’s cases of importing raw materials and parts from China, making them into OEMs, and re-exporting them are also sharply decreasing. Among the five items North Korea exported to China from March to November this year, the watch movement was the only type of re-export. Until last year, it is in contrast to the re-export form of three of the five major export items, including watch movements (parts), artificial eyelashes and wigs, and human body models.

North Korea has greatly increased its OEM re-exports after sanctions against North Korea, but this year, even this has sharply declined due to Corona 19.

During the same period, the five items that North Korea imported the most from China had a high proportion of consumer goods such as soybean oil, flour, sugar, rubber tires, and tobacco substitutes.

Reporter Lee Cheol-jae [email protected]
