North Korea “Don’t cross borders even if it’s difficult”… Draw an external support line

On the 24th, the Labor Newspaper, an agency of the North Korean Labor Party, urged, “Everyone must move forward while helping each other and leading each other,” saying, “One for the whole, and the whole for one” is ringing in every bulb. The photo shows the workers at the Kim Jeong-suk Pyongyang Silk Mill introduced by the newspaper as an example. Pyongyang = Labor News News 1

North Korea, which is pursuing a new five-year plan for national economic development in the midst of economic difficulties, reiterated that it should not expect outside help even if it is having difficulty achieving its goals. He encouraged them to overcome difficulties by working together to rehabilitate themselves.

In an editorial on the front page of the Labor Party’s newspaper, the labor newspaper, the North Korean media outlet, said in an editorial on the front page of the 24th, “If difficulties are raised in the process of carrying out a task, we must not go beyond the borders or look up, but go to the production/research/development unit to resolve all problems under close cooperation I emphasized. Specifically, he urged, “In all sectors and units, we should actively engage in mass movements, including leading, learning to follow, and exchanging experiences.”

Strong warnings were issued against organizational egoism that hindered cooperation. The editorial said, “We must thoroughly overcome the unit specialization and standardism that eats our socialism based on collectivism.” State Council Chairman Kim Jong-un pointed out at the party plenary meeting that closed on the 11th, “The phenomenon of unit specialization and standardization can no longer be left as it is, and party power, jurisdiction, and military power must be exercised and struck firmly.” It was interpreted as targeting the vested interest behavior of some power institutions that had enjoyed preferential treatment.

There was also an order that senior executives should be responsible and dedicated. In an editorial under the heading’A high sense of party responsibility is an essential character that workers (executives) must possess’, the newspaper said, “The positions of workers are a sign of high confidence and expectation, a sense of work to be rewarded, and a sense of responsibility to be exercised. As the number increases and the position increases, the more we must devote everything to the implementation of the Party’s policy.”

He also admitted, “It is true that the trials and hardships before us are severe,” he added, but added, “It can never be a shield for workers to justify their sluggishness in their business.” This is in line with the recent remarks of Chairman Kim, who harshly criticized the voshinist attitude of economic bureaucrats.

Kang Yubin reporter

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