Nobel laureate “Ramzier’s thesis, associated with Nazi genocide negativity” (Comprehensive)

Game theory authority, Milgrum and Ross, criticize Ramsay

Nobel laureate

[아시아경제 조유진 기자] Two American economists who won the Nobel Prize in Economics criticized the dissertation of Harvard University professor Mark Ramsey, who claimed that victims of Japanese comfort women were prostitutes, reminiscent of Nazi Germany’s denial of the genocide of Jews.

On the 28th (current time), Paul Milgrum, a professor at Stanford University Business School, and Alvin Ross, a Harvard Business School professor, said in a joint statement, “Prof. Ramsey’s historical interpretation of the Japanese military comfort women victims is simple The evidence cannot be reversed with the game theory model,” he said.

The two professors introduced the fact that they shared their opinions on Professor Ramsey’s thesis and said, “It reminds me of the denial of the genocide of Jews in Nazi Germany. It was very painful.”

Professor Milgram was recognized as an authority in various fields of economics such as auction and incentive theory, industrial economics, economic history, game theory, and so on. Won.

Prof. Ross also co-winning the Nobel Prize in Economics in 2012 for his research in the field of market design along with game theory.

As Nobel Prize winners in Economics have repeatedly criticized Professor Ramsey, the logical loopholes in the thesis of the’Gender Contract in the Pacific War’ published in the International Review of Legal Economics (IRLE) are expected to emerge.

In this paper, Professor Ramsayer, who majored in law, rationalized the Japanese military comfort women contract using the game theory of economics. Prostitution on the battlefield was a rational contract that was concluded by women requesting large advance payments, taking into account the risk of work and the possibility of damage to honor.

Elsevier, the Dutch publisher of IRLE, is expected to publish a printed copy of Professor Ramsey’s thesis soon.

Reporter Jo Yu-jin [email protected]
