No interruption even with confirmed cases announced KBO Corona 19 manual

KBO Announces Corona 19 Manual

[엑스포츠뉴스 조은혜 기자] For a safer season, the KBO League’s Corona 19 manual has been reinforced. Corona 19-related league operation rules have been elaborated, such as wearing masks, keeping a social distance from the squad, and managing quarantine for spectators. In addition, following last year’s postseason, this year’s regular season also decided to run the league as a substitute player in case of a confirmed case in the league.

KBO held the 5th board meeting on the 24th to discuss to operate a safer new season, and released the 2021 KBO Corona 19 Integrated Response Manual, which emphasized the quarantine guidelines more precisely. The KBO Integrated Manual played a big role in the safe operation of the KBO League even in the unexpected situation of the corona19 virus spread last year. Other sports leagues at home and abroad, such as the U.S., Japan’s professional baseball, and Europe, also officially requested KBO manuals to be provided and referenced them in the production of their own manuals.

Ahead of the opening of the 2021 season, KBO supplemented the integrated manual through the Corona 19 Response Task Force (TF) in which external experts participated, and went through in-depth discussions with each club. During the game, masks are required to be worn in all areas of the stadium except the ground, and cases of non-wearing masks will be detected and sanctioned through an emergency inspection. In addition, you must wear a mask for events and commemorative photos on the ground.

Like last season, the pitcher cannot share the rosinback. Spitball where the pitcher spit on the ball is strictly prohibited in accordance with the Official Baseball Rule 6.02(c)(6). Bench clearing, where multiple physical contact may occur, is also strictly prohibited.

Squad distance guidelines have also been reinforced. It is recommended to follow the guidelines for limiting the number of private meetings and refrain from meeting with other team members and outsiders. In the event of an emergency, the response manual has been established more elaborately. Individual response guidelines such as inspection/isolation/resumption of activities according to the situation, resumption after closing/disinfection of the stadium, and suspension/cancellation/removal of spectators, etc., were detailed according to various possible situations.

In addition, in the case of a confirmed case in the 1st team during the regular season last year, it was possible to decide to suspend the league according to the results of an epidemiological investigation, but this season, it will be operated without interruption as a substitute player excluding those subject to self-isolation. However, if it is judged that there is a significant impact on the normal progress of the league, such as failure to register for an entry, it will be decided whether or not to stop the league at the request of the emergency executive committee and the board of directors.

The strikeout system is applied to spectators who do not comply with the quarantine rules. Even after the two warnings, if they do not comply with the guidelines, they will be dismissed. KBO plans to continuously supplement the manual for a safe and normal season.

Meanwhile, the board of directors approved the 2020 KBO budget settlement, the 2021 development fund, and the sponsoring group support budget as the original draft.

[email protected] / Photo = X-Sports News DB

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