No forced vaccination for medical personnel… Even if you refuse, do not exclude nursing facility work

The vaccination moment you've been waiting for is in front of you

picture explanationThe vaccination moment you’ve been waiting for is in front of you

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The government has decided not to force vaccinations of medical personnel working in hospitals or nursing hospitals dedicated to the novel coronavirus infection (Corona 19).

Accordingly, medical personnel, like other citizens, have voluntary consent to choose whether to receive vaccination, and refusing vaccination is not excluded from the field.

“There is no compulsory vaccination for the entire public, including medical staff,” at the corona19 regular briefing on the 18th, head of the vaccination management group of the Corona 19 Vaccination Response Promotion Team. I can.”

However, he explained, “In order to get out of Corona 19 as soon as possible, recover daily life and form a group immunity, many people need to participate in the vaccination, so the government recommends that the vaccination be given as much as possible.”

He added, “If you don’t do vaccination in your own order, the vaccination order will be adjusted to the lowest priority for medical personnel and nursing facility workers, too.” Emphasized.

The government will start vaccination using the AstraZeneca vaccine on the 26th.

Inpatients, residents and workers under the age of 65 in 5873 nursing hospitals, nursing facilities, and mental care and rehabilitation facilities nationwide are eligible for the first vaccination.

In March, vaccinations for health care professionals working in advanced general hospitals, general hospitals, hospitals, etc. will begin, and when Pfizer vaccine comes in at the end of this month or early March, medical staff who treat corona19 patients will be inoculated.


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