“Nissan’s’Apple Car’ negotiations also missed” Brand disagreement

Enter 2021-02-15 12:15 | Revision 2021-02-15 12:57

▲ Nissan corporate logo (CI) ⓒNissan

There are reports that Apple has stopped negotiating with Nissan Japan on the so-called’Apple Car’.

On the 15th, the Financial Times (FT) and Reuters reported that Apple quit negotiations with Nissan due to disagreements over the use of the brand. It was reported that the contact between the two companies was short and discussions were not advanced even to senior management.

A Nissan spokesman said, “We are not talking with Apple,” he said. “However, Nissan is always open to finding collaborators to bring out industry innovation.

Apple is working with major automakers to produce self-driving electric vehicles (Apple cars) by 2024. However, there are only rumors, but no clear outlines are coming out.

Hyundai Motor Company and Kia, previously mentioned as targets for cooperation, said, “We are receiving requests for cooperation in joint development of autonomous electric vehicles from a number of companies, but it has not been decided in an early stage.” It has been disclosed.

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[자유민주·시장경제의 파수꾼 – 뉴데일리 newdaily.co.kr]
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