Next year’s real-loss insurance premium will rise by 10%-Maeil Economy

With about 35 million people enrolled, the insurance premiums for injured medical insurance, called national insurance, will also increase next year. Although the rate of increase varies depending on the subscription period and insurance company, it is expected to be around 10 to 11% on average.

According to the insurance industry on the 23rd, the Financial Services Commission delivered an informal opinion to the industry on the increase rate of real-life insurance. The Financial Services Commission reflects 60% of the increase rate requested by each company for standardized indemnity insurance sold from October 2009 to March 2017, and 80% for pre-standardized indemnity insurance sold before October 2009. Proposed a way to do it. In addition, it is reported that it has requested a freeze of premiums for the loss of loss insurance sold since April 2017. In this case, there is a difference between insurance companies, but before standardization, actual loss insurance will increase by 15-17% and standardized actual loss insurance by 10-12%. Insurance premiums for non-life insurance subscribers are unlikely to change significantly. Last year, insurance premiums for loss before standardization and standardized loss were increased by 9.8%, respectively, and the loss was reduced by 10%.

The reason that the insurance industry insists on raising the actual loss insurance premium every year is because of the ever-increasing losses. Until the third quarter of this year, the risk loss rate for real-life insurance was 130%. The risk loss ratio refers to the ratio of the insurance premium paid to the risk insurance premium, which is a portion of the insurance premium paid by the contractor, excluding business operation costs, and used for insurance premium payment. 130% means that he received 100 won as a risk insurance premium, but the amount paid out is 130 won. Due to the rise in the risk loss ratio, the loss of real-life insurance last year recorded KRW 2.431.3 trillion. The loss is expected to exceed 2 trillion won this year, when the amount of medical use decreased due to Corona 19.

Much of these losses are the result of a combination of insurance fraud by some policyholders and moral hazards by medical institutions.

Assuming that a 40-year-old male is enrolling in real-life insurance before standardization and the premium is increased by 15% each year, the premium, which is currently 36679 won, will jump to 148387 won by 2030 when he turns 50.

[이승훈 기자]
[ⓒ 매일경제 &, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
