New York Stock Market, GM surges 9%… 2 billion dollars investment in autonomous driving

GM stock soared 9% on the news that Microsoft will invest $2 billion in its autonomous driving subsidiary. Large technology stocks such as Facebook and Alphabet also rose by 3%, showing strong strength.

On this day, the Dow Index ended at 3930.52, up 116.26 points (0.38%) compared to the previous trading day. In addition, the Standard & Poor’s (S&P) 500 index rose 30.66 points (0.81%) to 3798.91, and the Nasdaq index also jumped 198.68 points (1.53%) to 13,197.18.

On that day, the market focused on the will of US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen’s will to boost the economy. According to Reuters, nominee Yellon said at a Senate Financial Committee hearing held on the 19th (local time), “My mission is to help Americans withstand the last few months of the COVID-19 pandemic and rebuild the US economy that has been hit.” He stressed that in order to recover the economy, it is necessary to act boldly with Corona 19 remedies.

On the day, GM rose 9.7% on news of Microsoft’s $2 billion investment. Microsoft (MS) also rose 1.8%.

Expectations for earnings were also reflected in the stock market. Goldman Sachs, an American investment bank (IB), announced that net profit in the fourth quarter of last year was $4.36 billion, an increase from $1.72 billion a year ago.

Large tech stocks such as Facebook (3.9%) and Alphabet (3.3%) were also remarkable.

[김현정 매경닷컴 기자 [email protected]]

[ⓒ 매일경제 &, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
