New York Police Force Robotic Police Dog in Hostage Robbery

The NYPD is testing the performance of a robotic police dog in a real case.

The New York Times (NYT) reported on the 1st (local time) that the NYPD deployed a robotic police dog during the hostage robbery in the Bronx, New York on the 23rd of last month.

The robotic police dog entered the apartment where the incident took place before the police were dispatched to determine whether armed robbers were still on the scene.

The robotic police dog informed the police of the situation on the site in real time.

The NYPD says robotic police dogs can detect situations in the dark and can see how safe the scene is.

NYPD, which already uses robotic police dogs in areas such as bomb removal, is known to plan to further increase the use of robotic police dogs.

Earlier, the NYPD used robotic police dogs in the Brooklyn shootings last October.

It is explained that this is to test the performance of a robotic police dog.

The robot police dog used in this case is a model called’Spot’ produced by Boston Dynamics.

The spot where you can run more than 5 km and climb stairs is known to have the ability to cope with the situation on your own using artificial intelligence, in addition to simply following the instructions of the headquarters.

Boston Dynamics is an American robotics company that the Hyundai Motor Group recently decided to acquire a controlling stake with an investment of 880 million dollars (approximately 960 billion won).

Meanwhile, there are voices of concern that robotic police dogs can be abused to monitor ordinary citizens.

New York-based Democratic Congressman Alexandria Okashio-Cortes tweeted the possibility of robotic police dogs being used for surveillance, like drones.

However, Boston Dynamics said, “The spot is noisy and there are lights, so it is not suitable for secret surveillance.”

(Photo = YouTube FNTV capture, Yonhap News)
