(New Year’s Address) Song Young-sook, Chairman of Hanmi Pharmaceutical Group, “Pharmaceutical Powerhouse, Best for Global Vision”

[뉴스토마토 정기종 기자] “In 2021, let’s take strong steps together, pledged to constantly challenge towards the vision of becoming a pharmaceutical powerhouse and global Hanmi.”

Hanmi Pharmaceutical Group started the year by declaring endless challenges and new commitments for a pharmaceutical powerhouse.

On the 4th, Hanmi Pharmaceutical Group held an online opening ceremony for the first time since its inception due to the spread of Corona 19. On the morning of this morning, employees of group companies such as Hanmi Science, Hanmi Pharmaceutical, Beijing Hanmi Pharmaceutical, Hanmi Fine Chemical, Hanmi Healthcare, Online Farm, JVM, etc. Watching it, I promised a strong start of the new year. The video also included Chairman Song Young-sook’s New Year’s Address, and the entire narration was conducted by famous broadcaster Geum-hee Lee.

In his New Year’s speech, Chairman Song Young-sook declared’Endless Challenge, New Commitment for Pharmaceutical Powers’ as the management slogan of Hanmi Pharmaceutical Group in 2021. Chairman Song said, “Chairman Sundae took human respect and value creation as its management philosophy, and established Hanmi Pharmaceutical Group straight based on that value.” “I am building a foundation and playing a role as a cornerstone to support Hanmi Pharmaceutical Group. I will do my best to move forward with the goal and vision for a pharmaceutical powerhouse.”

Chairman Song also revealed a plan to work hard to prepare new welfare facilities and systems as a sign of a promise to accompany employees in unison. As part of this, the company announced that it will build the second Hanmi Tower on the parking lot site of Hanmi Science, located behind the headquarters in Songpa-gu, Seoul, to establish a Hanmi daycare center, a fitness center for employees, and cafes and restaurants for employees only to take care of the young children of employees. In addition, the company decided to operate an in-house loan system, refresh leave, and autonomous work system more flexibly than before, and to establish a culture that uses annual leave more freely.

Chairman Song emphasized, “I promise to create a happier Hanmi Pharmaceutical, a company that provides a solid fence in the lives of our employees.” .

On the other hand, through video, Hanmi Pharmaceutical Group achieved the No. 1 in domestic outpatient prescription sales for 3 consecutive years with products such as Amosartan Family and Rosujet, signed a new drug license agreement with NASH for KRW 1 trillion with MSD in the United States, and entered into Korea’s first global drug Rolontis The company announced major achievements in 2020, including the imminent approval of Sol’s marketing in the United States, and also conveyed the aspirations of Beijing Hanmi Pharmaceutical, Online Farm, Hanmi Healthcare, and JVM to pursue new innovations.

View of Hanmi Pharmaceutical Group’s opening ceremony held online on the 4th. Photo/Hanmi Pharmaceutical

Reporter Kijong Jung [email protected]

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