New variant corona emerged… South Africa is home this time

On the 22nd, Swedish police in masks are checking tourists from Denmark at the border checkpoint at Hilliya Station in Malmö, Sweden. The Swedish government closed the border when a variant of Corona 19 was confirmed in Denmark. Malmo = AP Newsis

A variant virus of the novel coronavirus infection (Corona 19) has also emerged. This time, South Africa is my hometown.

According to Reuters, UK Health Minister Matt Hancock revealed at a press conference on the 23rd (local time) that a new strain of corona was confirmed in his country, and that two people who recently visited South Africa were infected with the strain.

The variant corona discovered this time is similar to the existing British variant’VUI-202012/01′, but it is a different kind. The South African government confirmed on the 18th that the coronavirus strain, which scientists named the ‘501.V2 variant’, has recently been leading the spread of infection. Experts say that the mutation’N501YU’, which they have in common, plays an important role in infecting human cells. In the case of the British variant, it does not increase the fatality rate, but its spread is 70% stronger than that of the existing virus, and it was thought that it was rarely infected with Corona 19, and even children were analyzed to be easily infected.

Minister Hancock said the new strain also appears to have infectious powers that surpass the existing virus. As a result, the British government restricted travel to South Africa and immediately placed self-quarantine for those who visited the country or had contact with residents within the last 14 days. The British government, which decided to de facto emergency containment by raising the corona 19 response stage in the capital city of London and southeastern England, to stage 4, the highest level last weekend, expanded the scope of the action to nearby areas. From the 26th, an additional 6 million people will enter the sphere of influence. All non-essential stores, gyms, and beauty salons should be closed.

The UK corona situation is deteriorating. On this day, there were 39,237 new confirmed cases per day, which was the highest after the previous day (36,804). The number of new deaths per day is 744. The cumulative confirmed cases increased to 2.149,551 and the cumulative death toll increased to 69,051.

The UK is serving as a transit point for the variant coronavirus. According to local media such as Times of Israel, four variants from the UK were confirmed in Israel on the day. The Israeli Ministry of Health said that three out of four people infected with the variant are being quarantined at hotels designated by the Israeli government after returning to Israel from the UK recently. The route of infection for the other one is being followed.

Currently, more than 50 countries, including most of the European countries, restrict or ban foreign entry from the UK.

Kwon Kyung-seong reporter

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