New mutation found in New York… “Mid-March re-proliferation” warning map


In the United States, the number of COVID-19 vaccinations since the inauguration of the Biden administration has exceeded 50 million. President Biden promised to inoculate 100 million doses within 100 days of inauguration, and in 36 days he reached half the target. However, a warning was issued that the sudden increase in the number of infected people around the middle of next month due to the mutant virus could be rekindled. A new mutant virus has also been discovered in New York.

Correspondent Lim Jong-joo reports in Washington.


Black human rights activist Pastor Al Sharpton was vaccinated against Corona 19.

After vaccinating in a Harlem slum in New York, Pastor Sharpton said he wanted to be an example.

The number of vaccinations in the United States totals 68 million.

Of these, only 50 million vaccinations have been made since President Biden took office.

We promised 100 million doses within 100 days of inauguration, which is half that in 36 days.

[조 바이든/미국 대통령 : 처음에는 혼란과 차질이 있었습니다. 이제는 제대로 계획을 세우면 일을 진행시킬 수 있습니다.]

However, the spread of the mutant virus is a problem.

There are warnings among US experts that an increase in infection could be rekindled.

Dr. Osterholm, University of Minnesota, says the virus is doubling every ten days from the UK, and predicts that the number of patients may increase in the coming weeks.

He said he was especially concerned about mid-March.

[마이클 오스터홀름/미네소타대 전염병연구정책센터 소장 : 변이 바이러스가 실제 급증 전까지 4주, 6주 또는 8주까지 걸립니다. 작은 잡목 화재가 대규모 산불이 되는 데 시간이 걸리는 것처럼 말입니다.]

New mutant viruses have been discovered in New York and in the northeast.

Studies at both Columbia University and California Institute of Technology have confirmed the presence of the mutant virus.

It has increased steadily since the end of last year, but in the last two weeks it has increased sharply to 12.7%.

[어윈 레들레너/컬럼비아대 국가재난대비센터 소장 : 전염성이 더 강하고 치명적일 수 있어서 우려됩니다. 백신은 효과적이지 않을 수도 있기 때문에 면밀히 관찰해야 합니다.]

Vaccine manufacturers have stepped up to prepare countermeasures one after another.

Pfizer began testing whether a third dose of the vaccine after the first and second doses would help fight off the mutant virus.
