New Justice Minister Park Beom-gye visited Daejeon Prefectural Center…willingness to complete the prosecution reform

The new Minister of Justice Park Beom-gye visits the Daejeon Prefectural Center on the 31st.  yunhap news

The new Minister of Justice Park Beom-gye visits the Daejeon Prefectural Center on the 31st. yunhap news

New Justice Minister Park Beom-gye expressed his willingness to complete the prosecution reform.

On the 31st, Minister Park visited the National Daejeon Rehabilitation Center and said, “I earnestly prayed for the spirits of the patriots to help achieve the prosecution reform, which is the desire of all the people.”

Minister Park emphasized, “With the president giving a letter of appointment, power reform is just beginning, and he spoke about reforms with members of the prosecution.”

In addition, Minister Park said that he would realize the right to terminate contracts and claim reductions in order to help small businessmen who are struggling with the novel coronavirus infection (Corona 19) in legal administration.

Regarding the issue of Daejeon Prison relocation, the current project of Daejeon City, Minister Park, a former member of the Daejeon region, said, “It is a project of close to 1 trillion won in state-owned land development method. It used to be before the prison, but we are well aware of the reality of Daejeon City, including detention centers. He said, “We plan to meet Daejeon Mayor Hur Tae-jung sooner or later so that we can draw a good conclusion.”

New Justice Minister Park Beom-gye visits the Daejeon Prefectural Center on the 31st and is writing a guestbook. [사진 법무부]

New Justice Minister Park Beom-gye visits the Daejeon Prefectural Center on the 31st and is writing a guestbook. [사진 법무부]

On this day, Minister Park wrote in the guestbook,’Please refrain from helping the guards of the ROK and the prosecution reform.

Then, I visited the graveyard of the general private soldiers and the graveyard of the victims of the Cheonan ship, and ended the visit.

Reporter Lee Ji-young [email protected]
