New Breasted Man U BIG6 Opponent Draw |

'Bird breast' Manchester United?...BIG6 opponent'draw'

[엑스포츠뉴스 김정현 인턴기자] It was the big clubs that held the rising Manchester United.

Manchester United drew 0-0 without a goal in the 2020/21 season Premier League round 21 Arsenal game held at the Emirates Stadium on the 31st (Korea time).

Manchester United lost 0-1 against Arsenal in the last 7 rounds and won only 1 point against Arsenal in both matches. Manchester United’s performance against the Big 6 team is poor, not just for Arsenal.

In the 4th round match against Tottenham Hotspur, the first confrontation with the Big 6 team this season, Manchester United suffered a whopping 1-6 defeat by Son Heung-min and Harry Kane.

In the following round 6, Chelsea scored a 0-0 draw without a goal and lost immediately before the 7th round Arsenal.

In the 12th round, he also drew a 0-0 draw against Manchester City at home, while the Northwest derby against Liverpool in the 19th drew 0-0.

Manchester United, who played six games against the big six team, scored only four points with four draws and two losses, showing a weak appearance against the strong team. In particular, it hurts Arsenal, who is currently in the middle of the big six teams, to only score 1 point in both games.

After losing to Arsenal in the 7th round, Manchester United went up to the top of the league by running an undefeated 12-game streak. Manchester United, who scored 9 wins and 3 draws in 12 games, and a whopping 30 points in 12 games, lost their momentum against Sheffield United in the 20th round.

Manchester United, who suffered a 1-2 shock defeat against Sheffield due to a lack of defensive concentration, showed concerns about the lack of defensive depth.

In the game at the time, Victor Lindelof fell into a minor injury, and Eric Bai, the third defensive resource, was a player with quite a few injuries in the first place.

The young Axel Tianzev, who played against Sheffield, showed a tense appearance and played passively, which led to a mistake and caused defeat.

On this day, Lindelof returned to Arsenal and regained a sense of stability in the defense, but Manchester United must close the gap between the rotational resources and the starting resources if the starting defense is missing.

Meanwhile, Manchester City widened the difference by three points as Manchester City won a 1-0 victory over Sheffield with a draw that day. Even Manchester United played one more game than Man City, so it was a red flag for the competition.

[email protected] / Photo = EPA/Yonhap News

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