Neville predicted Tottenham’s decline from lead to 6th a month ago

Leading → 6th place a month ago... Neville predicted Tottenham's'fall'

[엑스포츠뉴스 김정현 인턴기자] Mourinho’s football is gradually losing power, as Neville said in December.

Tottenham Hotspur allowed another tie in the 2020/21 season against Fulham in the Premier League round 16 on the 14th (Korean time) and drew 1-1.

Tottenham went ahead with a header scored by Harry Kane in 24 minutes, but couldn’t afford an extra goal afterwards, allowing Ivan Cavaleiro a tie in 74 minutes.

Tottenham lost 10 points in a winning situation this season, making it the third most lost team in the league after Brighton Hove and Albion and Sheffield United.

For Mourinho’s Tottenham, who consistently fails to show off his back-heartedness, Gary Neville had already worried that Mourinho would be more likely to be attacked in the past, claiming that Mourinho will challenge himself to win the Premier League the way he had succeeded.

At the time of December 2, last year, Neville sang in the Sky Sports column saying, “He still wants a defensive sense of stability.” At the time of December 1, Tottenham was the first in the league.

Neville said,’Murinho still doesn’t trust their defense. The defense is the team’s biggest weakness, and Mourinho is aiming to win the league through defensive management.

“But Mourinho’s football is still passive,” said Neville. Develop your own tactics according to the opponent’s game management. It is difficult to win the league this way,” he said.

Neville’s remarks became reality. After a draw against Crystal Palace in the 12th round, Tottenham scored only 5 points with 1 win, 2 draws and 2 losses in recent 5 matches, and the ranking fell to 6th.

Tottenham are ahead of the game and are losing victory points as their defensive concentration declines in the second half. As Neville said, Tottenham’s defense was still weak, and Tottenham are getting farther away from the lead.

[email protected] / Photo = PA Images/Yonhap News

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