Netmarble also raised an annual salary of 8 million won by Nexon after’Breaking Park Bong’s Prejudice in the Game Industry’

[FETV=정경철 기자] Netmarble announced on the afternoon of the 10th that it would increase the annual salary of all employees by 8 million won. This increase, starting next month, is expected to be adjusted to 50 million won for the developer group and 45 million won for the non-development group based on the starting salary for new recruits.

Netmarble, which is also scheduled to relocate to the new office building, will provide additional points worth 100,000 won per month in addition to 100,000 won for meal support from March. In the case of dinner, inflation was reflected by raising the support amount from 7,000 won to 10,000 won.

An official from Netmarble said, “Even in a global pandemic (a pandemic), all employees are rewarded for their contributions to the company’s growth and secure excellent talents.”

The announcement of this salary increase is deeply related to the war for talent acquisition in the game industry. Nexon, which is called 3N and is currently called the boss of a game company, raised the initial salary of new employees to 50 million won for development workers and 45 million won for non-development workers by 8 million won each.

The starting salary for new developers of public loans at large IT and game companies such as Netmarble, Nexon, and Naver is 1.5 times higher than the average annual salary of 3,347 million won for college graduates in 2020, a large company with 500 or more employees announced by the Ministry of Employment and Labor last year. Based on the main salary, it can be seen that the annual salary of new college graduates is more than 10% higher than that of Samsung Electronics and SK Hynix, which are known to be around 45 million won.

As Nexon and Netmarble, among the three major game companies in Korea, raise their salaries, the industry’s attention is drawn to NCsoft’s future moves. NCsoft is scheduled to negotiate an annual salary in March-April next year. It is the industry’s gaze that you can present your impressions in a natural flow. On the 5th, NCsoft also announced its earnings, and made a huge sales by riding special face-to-face with sales of 2 trillion 4162 won for 20 years alone.

An official in the game industry said, “Like the impression of Nexon last time, I hope that this atmosphere will expand throughout the game industry and it will be a good opportunity to clear the game industry’s prejudice.

Meanwhile, on the same day, Netmarble announced that last year’s sales of 2,4884 billion won and operating profit were 272 billion won. This was an increase of 14% and 34.2%, respectively, compared to the previous year, recording the highest sales after Nexon. Operating profit is the highest since 2017 with the highest sales ever.
