Netizen’s reaction to Choi Choi’s father, who opposes that he will quit a relationship if he’remarried’ with Yu Catnip (video)

InsightTV Chosun’We Got Divorced’

[인사이트] Reporter Jang Young-joon = Youtuber Choi Ki-gi is going to make a move to reunite by making a confession to his ex-wife Yu Cat-nip.

In the midst of this, Choi Choi’s father, who opposes his son’s reunion, emerged as a hot topic among netizens.

On the 13th, the 9th trailer video was posted on the official SNS of TV Chosun’We Got Divorced’.

The title of the released video is “Reunion of the two who are not welcome.” As such, Choi Choi was faced with fierce opposition from his father.


InsightTV Chosun’We Got Divorced’

Choi Choi’s father was resentful when his son said he wanted to reunite. He said, “What the hell do you think of your father?” and shouted “Listen to me!”

Meanwhile, Choi’s father declared war that if Choi Ki-gi and Yu Cat-nip reunited, they would not appear in front of the two.

About this, Netizen is sending a critical message to Choi Choi’s father.

They say, “You’re old and only think about yourself. You don’t think about your lost granddaughter?” Expressed fierce dissatisfaction with his back

InsightTV Chosun’We Got Divorced’

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Some expressed concern, saying that it is the first thing that the relationship between Choi Choi and Yu Catnip becomes solid.

Meanwhile, Choi Choi’s father, who opposes the reunion, is going to confess his heartfelt feelings that no one expected.

The attention is focused on what is the inner situation of Choi Choi’s father who turned the studio into a sea of ​​tears.

The story of Choi Choi Ki-gi and Yu Cat-nip can be confirmed through TV Chosun’We Got Divorced’ on the 18th at 10 pm.

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