NCsoft Blade & Soul 2, prior reservation on February 9th

Blade & Soul 2's advance reservation date has been revealed.
Blade & Soul 2’s advance reservation date has been revealed.

NCsoft (CEO Kim Taek-jin) announced that it will start pre-booking for’Blade & Soul 2′, a multi-access role playing game (MMORPG), from the 9th.

The company announced a pre-booking schedule through the game brand site today and started counting down.

NCsoft will also hold an online showcase on the day of advance reservation for Blade & Soul 2. Users can watch the showcase on NCsoft’s official YouTube channel at 10 am on the 9th.

The company is planning to release the main contents of Blade & Soul 2 through an online showcase.

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Along with this, a new video of Blade & Soul 2 was released. The new video is available on NC’s official YouTube channel, online, and TV.

Blade & Soul 2 is the official next work of Blade & Soul released in 2012. It plans to inherit the story and features of the previous work, and implement Blade & Soul 2’s unique art style and advanced free action.
