NC Park Minwoo apologizes after posting’Is E-Mart better’ on social media

NC Minwoo Park
NC Minwoo Park

[연합뉴스 자료사진]

(Seoul = Yonhap News) Reporter Choi In-young = Infielder Park Min-woo (28) of professional baseball NC Dinos apologized after posting inappropriate posts on social media (SNS).

Park Min-woo posted a public apology on Instagram on the 28th, saying, “I think we need to acknowledge and apologize for the content that was uploaded to the Instagram story last night.”

Earlier, in Park Min-woo’s Instagram story, the post was exposed, saying, “The club is the best anyway, E-Mart is better, nobody knows.”

The detailed context was not disclosed, but fans criticized Minwoo Park for posting inappropriate posts with disappointment.

In particular, it was pointed out that SK Wyverns had hurt Wyverns fans who were shocked by the sudden news of being sold to Shinsegae Group E-Mart.

Park Min-woo admitted to the expression in an apology, “It’s all I did.”

However, he explained that it was the content of the conversation he had with an acquaintance at dawn through a direct message (DM) without thinking that it would be released.

Park Min-woo said, “It’s the difference between public and private, it’s all words from my mouth and my thoughts,” he said, and “I felt a lot while watching the disappointed fans.”

He also vowed to look back on himself for this mistake, saying, “I will try and reflect on myself so that I can take full responsibility for the words spoken in any position.”

Park Min-woo wrote, “I’m very sorry,” saying, “I apologize to the club and the fans who may have been hurt, and to the Wyverns fans who may have been hurt by the careless comments.”

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