NBA star LeBron James, Associated Press Male Player of the Year

LeBron James (36, LA Lakers, photo), the NBA’s best star, was selected as the AP’s Men’s Sports Player of the Year.

The Associated Press reported on the 27th (Korean time) “James announced this year’s’Black Lives Matter’ movement to the world and led his team to the championship in the league.” “I announced. After 2013, 2016, and 2018, it is the fourth ever award. In addition to James, Golf’s Tiger Woods and Cyclist’s Lance Armstrong (above the United States) won four awards, the highest number of male sports players ever.

As a result of a vote composed of 35 members of the Associated Press panel, James scored 78 points to take the first place, and Kansas City quarterback Patrick Mahoms (25, USA), the winner of the NFL Super Bowl, was second with 71 points.

James was selected as the Final Best Player (MVP), making a significant contribution to leading the Los Angeles Lakers to the championship in 10 years in the NBA championship match. James was selected as the final MVP for three teams, the first record in the NBA. In 2012 and 2013, he was selected as the final MVP for the Miami Heat, and in 2016, he wore a Cleveland Cavaliers uniform and became the championship MVP.

He also spoke to the black human rights movement triggered by the death of a black man named George Floyd in Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA in the process of suppressing white police. James said, “I always put everything out and do my best in games. I can do more out of the court.”

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