Naver real sword disappears on the 25th… abolished after 16 years

On the 4th, Naver announced on the 4th that it will end the real-time rapidly rising search word (real-time examination) service on the 25th. It has been about 16 years since its launch in May 2005.

Naver introduced and operated a real test service in 2005 to show the interests of various users, but recently made this decision in line with the changing behavior of users’ Internet service usage to the way they consume content according to their tastes and preferences Told. It is explained that users considered actively using the portal rather than unilaterally consuming the information provided like real swords.

[사진=네이버 제공]

Naver said, “The most active users of Internet services selectively consume content according to their tastes and preferences, and it is very important to produce content directly.” We will end the actual inspection service according to the big trend change we want to do.”

However, you can see the actual inspection history on’Data Lab’, a page where you can see Naver’s search trends.

Although the actual test was an indicator of the level of interest of domestic users, controversy over ranking manipulation has also been raised. In 2019, during the appointment of former Minister of Justice Cho Kook, pros and cons competingly put keywords such as “Strengthen your motherland” and “Resign your motherland” competitively. received. Accordingly, Naver improved the actual examination to be different depending on the user’s age and interest level, and temporarily suspended operation during the election. Naver’s abolition of the real sword can be interpreted as having determined that it has more dysfunctions than the net function of real swords.

In February of last year, Kakao abolished the real sword following the portal.

[사진=네이버 실검 이미지]

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