Naver Financial small amount deferred payment service launched in April

Financial Services Commission designates 2 new innovative financial services and extends the period of 5 designation

Naver Financial small amount deferred payment service launched in April

[아시아경제 박선미 기자] From April, when consumers purchase goods with Naver Pay points, a post-payment service will be available that allows them to repay the balance and insufficient payments later.

The Financial Services Commission announced that it has designated two innovative financial services at a regular meeting on the 18th. Accordingly, the accumulated innovative financial services totaled 139 cases.

Naver Financial’s small deferred payment service has been designated as an innovative financial service. This is the first application case related to’allowing innovative small deferred payment services through the platform’ announced at the 6th Digital Finance Council in February.

It is a post-paid payment service that enables consumers to repay the difference between the prepaid electronic payment method charge and the payment amount (the amount of insufficient payment) when purchasing goods with the prepaid electronic payment method (Naver Pay Point). An alternative credit rating system (ACSS) that combines financial and non-financial information (such as information held by Naver) is used to calculate the limit for deferred payment of consumers. The expected time to launch the service is in April.

The Financial Services Commission Issuing and managing prepaid electronic payment means ▲Deferred payment service is provided within the limit of 300,000 won per month for each individual, You can process your resident registration number in the process of providing the service, In accordance with the previous law, special cases were given to allow deferred payment business without obtaining a credit card business license. There is an effect that microcredit opportunities are provided to financially underprivileged groups such as young people and housewives who have difficulty using credit cards.

In addition, the Financial Services Commission designated the stock voucher service using the online shopping platform of Ebest Investment & Securities as an innovative financial service. It is a service that allows financial consumers to purchase and present eBest Investment & Securities stock vouchers on an online shopping platform, register these vouchers in eBest Investment Securities online media (MTS, HTS), and invest in domestic and overseas stocks.

By giving special cases so that the act of selling stock vouchers by the online shopping platform does not fall under the Capital Market Act, the opportunity for small investment by consumers can be expanded and access to financial products can be improved. The service is expected to be released in August.

On the other hand, the Financial Services Commission has established a’big data-based automatic real estate price calculation service’ of Xy-Land ▲’Overseas Travel Insurance On-Off Service’ of NH Nonghyup Insurance Insurance ▲’Individual Credit for Individuals’ by Shinhan Card It has also decided to extend five designated periods, including’Card Remittance Service’ ▲ Root Energy’s’P2P Financial Service for Local Residents’ Investment in New and Renewable Energy’ ▲ Shinhan Card’s’Credit Rating Service for Individual Businesses Using Card Information’.

Reporter Park Seon-mi [email protected]
