Navalni is in court again… Will the protesters explode at Jo Yeo Putin

Russian opposition activist Alexey Navalni made a heart shape with his hands while going for trial at a Moscow court on the 2nd. Moscow = AP Yonhap News

Russian opposition activist Alexey Navalni also stands in court. This time, he is accused of defaming supporters of Russian President Vladimir Putin. It has been three days since the sentence of probation received seven years ago for fraud was canceled and sentenced to jail. The continued pressure of the judicial authorities paradoxically shows Putin’s anxiety.

According to Russia’s Tas News Agency, a court in the Moscow Babushkinsky district announced on the 5th (local time) that Navalni was present at trial on charges of defamation. Navalni was accused of slandering war veterans of the Second World War, who supported a constitutional amendment that paved the way for President Putin to take office for a long time. In June of last year, the problem was that he posted a post on the Social Network Service (SNS) that criticized the reserve colonel Ignat Artemenko as a’bought servant’,’a person without conscience’, and a’traitor’. If convicted, he faces a fine of up to 1 million rubles (about 15 million won), or 240 hours of compulsory labor. On the 2nd, Navalni was sentenced to two years and eight months in prison after being sentenced to imprisonment for failure to fulfill his obligations under probation.

The successive offensive by judicial authorities is likely to provoke a strong backlash from Navalni supporters. Recently, over 10,000 people have been arrested by the police in two large-scale protests calling for the release of Navalni. Ben Noble, an associate professor of Russian political science at the University of London, said on CNN, “(Putin) knows that the decision to imprison Navalni will raise his support, but it seems that he decided to destroy Navalni because he felt threatened by the power of this protest.” did.

On the 31st of last month, protesters and police are clashing in Moscow, Russia, calling for the release of opposition activist Alexey Navalni. Moscow = AP Yonhap News

Public opinion inside and outside Russia is worsening. US Secretary of State Tony Blincoln repeatedly called for the release of Navalni and other detainees in a phone call with the Russian Foreign Minister the day before. In addition, Dr. Sergey Maximisin, 55, the chief of anesthesia and resuscitation department at the Russian Omsk Emergency Hospital, who was in charge of the treatment of poisoning poisoning in Navalni the day before, died suddenly.

Navalni also urged supporters to act. He posted a post on social media for the first time after the sentence, saying, “We must overcome our fears to liberate our country from the thieves in power. Let’s do that, we must do it.” Navalni, known as Putin’s statically, recovered from a poison poisoning symptom on a domestic airliner in August last year. The used poison was developed in the former Soviet Union, raising suspicion of attempts by the Russian government to poison it, but authorities have denied it.

Azalea reporter

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