National Pyowon Invests 162.5 billion won to promote the’four signature policies’

[테크월드=선연수 기자] The National Agency for Technology and Standards of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy (hereinafter referred to as the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Energy) has unveiled the items to be promoted as four major signature policies in 2021.

The areas of promotion are ▲ carbon neutral standardization ▲ strengthening safety management in the non-face-to-face era ▲ expanding support for commercialization of innovative technologies ▲ improving the constitution of responding to technical regulations. Accordingly, the NIS will invest a budget of 162.5 billion won, an increase of 20.0% compared to 2020.

Ministry of Industry’s National Pleasant’s Focus on Four Signature Policies in 2021 Budget Status for Each Project (Source: National Pleasant)

In order to establish and promote a carbon-neutral standardization strategy, first of all, we will actively develop standards that can realize carbon neutrality by utilizing’green tech technologies’ such as excellent low-carbon technologies and digital technologies in the battery and hydrogen fields we currently have. Through this, the goal is to support the creation of a promising low-carbon industry ecosystem such as new and renewable energy, hydrogen and electric vehicles, and advance into the global market, and ultimately contribute to the realization of carbon neutrality in 2050. The related strategies are reflected in the ‘5th (2021~2025) National Standard Basic Plan’ to be announced in March, and plans to establish a’carbon neutral standardization strategy roadmap’ in the first half of the year.

In the field of product safety, safety management for untact and online distribution products is strengthened. Untact-related products such as masks, air purifiers, sterilizers, and sterilizers will be added to safety management targets, and safety investigations will be conducted on indoor leisure and hobby products. By revising the Basic Product Safety Act, it will introduce a’hazardous product blocking system’ to major online malls such as Coupang and Naver, and block the online distribution of illegal and defective products by imposing a duty to take measures to fulfill the recall. Safety management to improve the quality of life of the socially disadvantaged is also promoted, such as establishing safety standards for playground equipment for children with disabilities such as wheelchair swings.

In the field of testing and certification, the support system for commercialization of new convergence products will be expanded to help advance various innovative technologies into the market. Expand the target of new product certification (NEP) to new industries such as future vehicles, general managers (materials, parts, equipment), and medical devices, and support the development of certification standards necessary for the official approval of regulatory sandbox products and the launch of industrial convergence new products. . It is also planning to support the Green New Deal policy by preparing management plans for new demand chargers such as electric vehicle wireless chargers and hydrogen vehicle chargers.

We are also actively working on improving the structure of responding to technology regulations to enhance the vitality of small and medium-sized companies. Established the’Three-Year Technology Regulatory Response Plan (2021~2023)’ to support industrial policies such as the 4th Industrial Revolution, K-New Deal, and K-trade strategy, and established a comprehensive support center for responding to trade technology barriers (TBT). It plans to expand and reorganize it into an organization. Regarding domestic technology regulations, companies are highly sensible and promote’improving lumped technology regulations’ to discover and resolve difficulties in demand for improvement.

Reporter Seon Yeon-soo [email protected]

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