National Assembly·Political Party: Politics: News: Hankyoreh Mobile

Kim Jong-in, Chairman of the National Power Emergency Response Committee, speaks at the campaign to support Seoul Mayor Oh Se-hoon, held in front of the Dorim Credit Union in Yeongdeungpo-gu, Seoul on the 26th. Joint coverage photo

Kim Jong-in, chairman of the People’s Power Emergency Response Committee, has 12 days left. In May last year, he accepted the position of the non-commissioned chairman, and his promised term is until the re-election on the 7th of the new month. Starting with the first message of “I will create an enterprising party,” the conservative party has been trying to innovate for 300 days, continuing its efforts to expand. Many interpreted that it was the result of Chairman Kim’s efforts that the power of the people was able to vote for a single candidate for opposition ahead of this Seoul by-election. Chairman Kim has repeatedly announced that he will withdraw from the post of non-committee chairman without regret after the by-election on the 7th, but voices say that his role is still necessary in the power of the people.

Kim Jong-in says, “It will disappear on April 8th,” but…

Chairman Kim appeared on the (CBS) radio program that day and said, “I will disappear from here on April 8th.” “I don’t feel the need to talk about what happens next (at the power of the people).” . Even when asked by the moderator,’Is it really packing and going home?’, there was no room for saying, “I’m not a bullshit person.” To the question that’the party already hears a voice asking for help with the presidential election’, he responded with a dismay, saying, “I haven’t heard such a sound yet.” However, Chairman Kim said, “It would be fun to watch the political reforms from outside.” It sounds like he will wait for the decisive moment when he will be called out while watching the reorganization process of pan-optics outside the market for a certain period of time after resigning from the position of the non-competition chairman.

To Seok-Yeol Yoon, “Capturing the moment of a star… Get a real star if you prepare.” Advice

Chairman Kim highly praised former prosecutor general Yoon Seok-yeol, who is ranked first among the opposition presidential candidates in the interview. He said, “It seems that Yun has captured the moment of the stars. He said, “If you prepare now, you will earn a real star.” He said, “It depends on how you behave (success).” He said, “If you ask to see (Former President Yoon) once, we will be able to meet you. (Former President Yoon) I think that there will be some form of expression of my intention when I go about mid-May after this by-election is over.” When asked,’What will you tell me when I meet?’, “I need a sense of president who can really sacrifice myself for the sake of the country. I always talk to people who want to become president,’If you stick to things like close friends, family, and friends at the moment you become president, you will never succeed.’ He said, “If you look at what he is talking about, it’s not just a prosecutor (work). A person who has a very strong sense of political affairs.” Chairman Kim gave advice to him from last January when former President Yun was in active duty, saying, “You will see the moment of starry right now,” and “depending on whether you capture it properly, you may or may not be able to contribute greatly to the country.” As he positively assessed Yun’s presidential election through the metaphor of’Picking the Stars’ on this day, the prospect that he will continue to play the role of’kingmaker’ in the outskirts in the future, with the reorganization of the politics led by former President Yun in mind. Power is running.

Chairman Kim “I can’t afford to concentrate on the mayoral election… It’s not something to discuss.”

Regarding the possibility of continuing politics with former President Yoon in the third zone on this day, Chairman Kim said, “People who are immersed in the mayoral election cannot afford to think about that or that,” and “it is not a matter to be discussed now.” Drew. Nevertheless, in the political world, the interpretation that Chairman Kim’s role will continue until the 2022 presidential election is dominant. Dr. Chang-sun Yoo, a political critic, said, “Chairman Kim will want to stand in a position to paint a picture that encompasses the entire pan-optics sphere.” In the process, it is highly likely that Chairman Kim will try to lay the way for the natural unity of former President Yoon and the people’s power.” On the other hand, Shinyul, a professor at the Department of Political Science and Diplomacy at Myongji University, put weight on the expectation that Chairman Kim will take on a role within the power of the people. Professor Shin said, “When the power of the people wins in the mayoral election in Seoul, the leadership of the opposition is focused on the power of the people. Ahead of the presidential election, since there are no people in the party who can replace Chairman Kim’s midway image, there is a high possibility that the party will come up with a request that is close to’representation’. Former President Yoon also said, “Because there is not enough time to form a new force, there is a high likelihood that he will move within the power of the people.” By Kim Mina, staff reporter

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