National Assembly·Political Party: Politics: News: Hankyoreh

“The judicial coup… The politics they dominate, what will bring to the National Assembly”
Democratic Party criticizes the courts who decided to suspend discipline

Together with Democratic Party member Kim Doo-gwan.  yunhap news

Together with Democratic Party member Kim Doo-gwan. yunhap news

Court Prosecutor General Yoon Seok-yeol’s application for suspension of disciplinary actionWhen the decision to accept the decision was made, the ruling party began to hear voices saying that it should impeach Yun. On the 25th, Democratic Party member Kim Doo-gwan said on his Facebook page, “I will prepare a proposal for impeachment of President Yoon. From the time President Yun took the president’s personnel rights to the court, he saw that the National Assembly should prepare for impeachment. He decided to watch the court’s decision due to the pressure of the surroundings. But I can’t wait any longer,” he wrote, saying, “I will bring the politics dominated by the prosecutors and courts to the National Assembly.” Rep. Kim said, “The court made an absurd decision. The head of the political prosecutors’ office, the chief criminal of the judiciary’s prosecutors’ office, and President Yun have returned.” The case was defined as “a judicial coup that suspended the power of the president elected by the people.” He repeatedly expressed his willingness to lead the impeachment bill of President Yoon, saying, “I will surely prevent the ruling act of the president elected by the people from being scolded by prosecutors and judges.” The prosecutor general’s impeachment prosecution can be resolved with the motion of more than one-third of the current lawmakers and a majority vote. Currently, the 174-seat Democratic Party can independently vote on the impeachment bill of President Yun.

On the afternoon of the 25th, Prosecutor General Yoon Seok-yeol, who received a request for suspension of disciplinary action in the court the day before, is on his way to the Supreme Prosecutors' Office in Seocho-gu, Seoul.  yunhap news

On the afternoon of the 25th, Prosecutor General Yoon Seok-yeol, who received a request for suspension of disciplinary action in the court the previous day, is on his way to the Supreme Prosecutors’ Office in Seocho-gu, Seoul. yunhap news

The Democratic Party also continued to criticize the court’s decision. Democratic Party lawmaker Kim Nam-guk said on his Facebook page that day, “The decision to suspend execution while judging that the writing of the’judge’s inspection document’ was very inappropriate and dangerous was the last court decision that allowed the assembly of Gwanghwamun Jeon Kwang-hoon, worrying that the spread of infectious diseases was concerned. As absurd as it is,” he wrote. Rep. Shin Dong-geun, the top member of the Democratic Party, also wrote on his Facebook page, “As an alliance of privileged groups, against the strong resistance of the legal cartels to maintain criminal and judicial powers, we systematically and strongly promoted intensive prosecution reform and judicial reform, I will systematically establish enemy control,” he wrote. Democratic Party lawmaker Min Hyung-bae also said on Facebook, “A trial that overturns the president’s (disciplined by the prosecutors), is this a clear violation of the separation of powers?” This is the so-called judicial nongdan.” Democratic Party lawmaker Kim Yong-min also said, “I think I’m losing, but I never lose. Even if you lose the battle, you can win the war. Through legislation, I will make the prosecutors and the courts loyal to the people,” he wrote on his Facebook page. On the other hand President Moon Jae-in gave a written briefing by Blue House spokesman Kang Min-seok“I respect the court’s decision,” he said. “The Ministry of Justice and the prosecution should proceed with follow-up measures such as reform of the prosecution and the reform of the investigative right through stable cooperation,” and emphasized the cooperation between the two agencies. By Jeong Hwan-bong, staff reporter [email protected]
