Nancy Lang “I owe 980 million to my ex-husband… I tried to make an extreme choice”

[이데일리 장구슬 기자] Pop artist Nancy Lang has revealed her life story as an artist after divorce.

Pop artist Nancy Lang. (Photo = TV Chosun’Star Documentary My Way’ broadcast screen capture)

On TV Chosun’s’Star Documentary My Way’, which aired on the 24th, the story of Nancy Lang, who overcomes the pain of divorce and rises again, was drawn.

For Nancy Lang, the process from marriage registration to divorce was a tremendous ordeal. Three years after the divorce lawsuit began, the family court was able to divorce dramatically with the highest alimony of 50 million won.

Nancy Lang said, “The divorce lawsuit took three years, but it seems that the divorce will be ruled out and will fly. My acquaintances gave a simple divorce party and I was really happy and happy.”

Nancy Lang, who even suffered a video threat from her ex-husband, said, “I was panic at the time. I don’t want to imagine that time. There are no adjectives that can be used.”

In addition, Nancy Lang confessed that he was in debt to a billion dollars because of his ex-husband, creating regret.

He said, “I now have a debt of about 980 million won.” He said, “With my house as collateral, he brought 1 finance, 2 finance, 3 finance, and even debentures. At that time, I was deceived and believed, so I allowed the loan, and after that, I had no choice but to use a bond because I had no fixed income, such as lawsuit costs or my living expenses. As time passed, the debt grew.”

Nancy Lang said, “In the beginning, it was only 6 million won a month, so I had to make the money hard.”

Nancy Lang said, “I tried to make extreme choices, but what I was able to withstand was the art and friends who always helped me.”

At the same time, he conveyed his aspirations as an artist. He said, “I want to spread a happy story and energy that fulfills their dreams while healing and healing women suffering irrational pains and people around the world through works.”
