Namki Hong “Preparation of measures to eradicate real estate speculation and prevent recurrence” (Comprehensive)

“We put all our efforts into the resolution of’war on real estate crime'”

“Preparation of innovation plan for LH transformation of transformation… Investigation of loan process by Financial Supervisory Service”

“Promotion of the 2nd and 4th measures without a hitch…Announcement of new public housing sites remaining 150,000 units in April”

Deputy Prime Minister Hong Nam-ki at the meeting of ministers concerned with real estate market inspection
Deputy Prime Minister Hong Nam-ki at the meeting of ministers concerned with real estate market inspection

(Seoul = Yonhap News) Reporter Seung-Doo Kim = Deputy Prime Minister Hong Nam-ki and Minister of Strategy and Finance attending the 16th Real Estate Market Inspection Ministers’ Meeting held at the Seoul Government Complex on the 12th, attended by Minister of Land, Transport and Maritime Affairs Byun Chang-heum. [email protected]

(Sejong = Yonhap News) Reporter Chae-yeon Lee Bo-bae and Soo-yeon Kwak Min-seo = Deputy Prime Minister Hong Nam-ki and Minister of Strategy and Finance said on the 12th, “The government conducts a speculation investigation with the determination to’war against real estate crimes’, measures to eradicate speculation, and prepares measures to prevent recurrence, etc. I will put my best effort.”

Deputy Prime Minister Hong held a meeting of ministers concerned with real estate market inspection at the government’s Seoul government building on the same day, saying, “You must completely remove the roots of illegal and unfair real estate in order to heal the wounds of the people and restore trust.”

The government decided to speed up the preparation of measures to eradicate real estate speculation and prevent recurrence by forming a task force (TF) of related organizations.

Deputy Prime Minister Hong will take four measures, including preventive measures to prevent speculation and illegal activities in advance, measures to establish a system that can be detected in case of illegality, measures to’worker punishment’, and measures to recover illegal and unfair profits. He said he would focus.

Deputy Prime Minister Hong said, “When preparing a countermeasure, we will fully discuss with related experts and civic groups, and we will prepare and announce a government plan as soon as possible.”

Following the announcement of the results of the first survey conducted by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport and 14,000 LH employees on the previous day, the government continues to investigate allegations of speculation on the name of a vehicle using the name of a family member or the like.

Deputy Prime Minister Hong said, “It is only the beginning of the investigation, and investigations on public officials and employees of local governments and public institutions other than LH continue.” “Investigation is followed by” he stressed.

Deputy Prime Minister Hong Nam-ki presides over the meeting of relevant ministers for real estate market inspection
Deputy Prime Minister Hong Nam-ki presides over the meeting of relevant ministers for real estate market inspection

(Seoul = Yonhap News) Reporter Seung-Doo Kim = Deputy Prime Minister Hong Nam-ki and Minister of Strategy and Finance (second from right) presided over the 16th Real Estate Market Inspection Ministers’ Meeting held at the Seoul Government Complex on the 12th with Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport Byun Chang-heum. I’m doing it. [email protected]

For LH, Deputy Prime Minister Hong announced that he would quickly come up with an innovation plan for’phantom metamorphosis’.

It is expected that various systems will be modified so that it can become a public institution that focuses on its natural functions such as housing supply.

He also said, “This LH speculation case was possible because large-scale loans were carried out collectively and intensively at specific branches of the banking sector.” You need to check your back,” he pointed out.

At the same time, he urged “Supervisory agencies such as the Financial Supervisory Service to thoroughly investigate the process.”

In addition, regarding the amendments to the real estate-related laws to prevent the recurrence of the LH incident, which are being discussed at the National Assembly, “To reflect the government’s position and facilitate legislative discussions, the review of issues directly related to the revision of laws and regulations among the contents of the government discussions should be accelerated. I will do it.”

It is interpreted as the meaning that the government will actively take a position in the discussions of the National Assembly regarding the Conflict of Interest Prevention Act, the Public Officials Ethics Act, the Special Public Housing Act, the Land and Housing Corporation Act, and the Real Estate Transaction Act.

However, Deputy Prime Minister Hong said that the existing real estate measures will be carried out as planned without any changes such as cancellation of the new city designation.

He emphasized that “the real estate policy, including the 2·4 housing supply plan, will be carried out smoothly according to the already announced plan and the proposed schedule.”

He added, “Among the supply measures, we have held business briefings for 25 autonomous districts in Seoul so far, and conducted private consulting and consultations for a total of 500 cases. We selected candidate sites with excellent urban development project conditions and disclosed them until the end of March. I plan to do it.”

“The location of the remaining new public housing sites of 150,000 units will be announced in April after thorough preparation and verification in advance.” “The pre-subscription schedule for the 3rd new city scheduled for July is also planned regardless of the progress of the related investigations and investigations in the future. We will continue to proceed as it is,” he added.
