Nam-gwan Jo “Investigation of the late, I can’t separate my four episodes”

Prosecutor General Cho Nam-gwan (photo) said about the prosecution organization, “In the area of ​​the judiciary such as investigation and trial, we should not split the sides into our side and the other side.”

It is interpreted as a criticism for the repetition of prosecutors’ repetitive judgments in the investigation and inspection of government-related cases, such as the’Han Myung-sook trial suspicion of perjury. Acting Cho also said that he would improve the investigation practices by minimizing separate investigations and arrest investigations.

On the morning of the 24th, Acting Cho made such a statement in a remark at the Supreme Prosecutors’ Meeting held at the Supreme Prosecutors’ Office in Seocho-dong, Seoul. He was lucky to say, “This may be the first and the last meeting I am presiding at.” He said, “Since when the prosecution has heard a lot of news from the media, such as ○○ line and ○○ close, that it is divided into my side and four sides, and we act like that unconsciously and even suspicious of the other party,” he said. He added, “In the area of ​​judicial justice, such as investigation and trial, we should not split the sides into our side and the other side,” he added. “If you start dividing sides, you cannot establish justice and justice.”

Acting Jo’s remarks are read as concerns and criticism about the conflicting legal judgments on the case within the prosecution. Acting Cho said, “Investigation and prosecution is to pursue the traces of the past as crime and apply the law on top of it,” he said. “You should not put your own philosophy or view of the world.”

Acting Cho also announced a policy of limiting the investigation of extraordinary crimes, which had been controversial over target investigation, and minimizing the arrest of the suspects. He said, “From today, the Supreme Prosecutor’s Office of Human Rights Policy will implement the’Guidelines on Handling Separate Criminal Investigation Clues Found in the Prosecutor’s Direct Investigation Process’, which has been made through a first-line opinion inquiry for the past three months.”

‘Separate case investigation’ is collectively referred to as an investigation into another criminal charge of a suspect discovered during the investigation. In the past, it is an investigation practice that frequently caused controversy over target investigation, such as pressure on the suspect after discovering female crimes through dusting investigations against specific suspects.

The new guidelines stipulate other crimes committed by the suspect in this case during direct investigation, crimes committed by the suspect’s family, and crimes committed by the executives of the company operated by the suspect as separate crimes. For a prosecutor to initiate a separate investigation, the procedure for finding an investigation clues must be legitimate, legitimate, and objective. In addition, an investigation is possible only after an inspection by the human rights protection officer of the affiliated office and approval from the prosecutor general and the prosecutor general. In principle, the investigation department for separate crimes should be separated from the investigation department in this case.

Acting Cho also said, “It is necessary to re-check the practice of requesting arrest warrants in most direct investigations.” He added, “There is nothing infringing on the defendant’s right to defend against the accused or the defendant as much as in a confinement investigation or trial,” he added. “Except for cases such as escape or destruction of evidence, it should be kept to a minimum,” he added.

The announcement on this day is interpreted as meaning that the prosecution will accept the prosecution’s ongoing internal and external concerns about the prosecution’s investigation practices and take preemptive measures. Previously, Minister of Justice Park Beom-gye ordered a joint prosecution between the Ministry of Justice and the Supreme Prosecutors’ Office on the wrong practices raised during the investigation of the case of former Prime Minister Han Myung-sook in 2011. Meanwhile, it is reported that the high-ranking officials criminal investigation office (Airborne Division) will hold the first meeting on the 29th by forming a’three-party council’ in which the prosecution and police participate. It is expected that discussions will be held on the standards for transfer of incidents between the air defense and the speculum.

[류영욱 기자]
[ⓒ 매일경제 &, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
