Nakyeon Lee The day I visited Busan… Jaeho Park, remarks on’regional depreciation’


Democratic Party leader Lee Nak-yeon said he would surely deal with the Special Act on the Busan Gadeok Island New Airport within the deadline for the provisional National Assembly in February. Ahead of the Busan Mayor’s by-election in April, we are going to put a wedge into the local longing project. However, there was a controversy when a word that seemed to be demeaning the citizens of Busan was raised right here.

This is Lee Seung-pil.


The leadership of the Democratic Party held a meeting of the highest committee members in Busan.

Representative Lee Nak-yeon reaffirmed his willingness to deal with the special law of Gadeokdo New Airport.

[이낙연/더불어민주당 대표 : 특별법을 2월 임시국회에서 반드시 처리할 것임을 거듭 약속드립니다. 설령 야당 지도부가 반대한다고 해도 저희는 갈 길을 가겠습니다.]

It has been only 8 days since last week that Lee visited Busan again.

It is a plan to penetrate public sentiment with the new airport card, judging that the recent public opinion in Busan about the Democratic Party is not bad.

The people’s strength is that internally, Gadeokdo has not been able to organize its position on the new airport.

Democratic Party lawmaker Jeon Jae-soo of Busan said there are high expectations from citizens, saying that there will be about 150,000 jobs until the new airport on Gadeok Island opens.

However, the remarks of other lawmakers at the meeting of the Supreme Council today caused controversy over the region.

[박재호/더불어민주당 의원 (부산시당 위원장) : 그런데 부산에 계시는 분들은 조중동, TV조선, 채널A를 너무 많이 보셔서 어떻게 나라 걱정만 하고 계시는지 한심스럽습니다.]

They strongly protested that the power of the people was astonishing.

People’s Power Spokesman Bae Joon-young criticized that the Democratic Party shamelessly insulted the citizens of Busan because it was not enough to be a blatant candidate.

Even within the Democratic Party, there were voices saying that the leadership and the party are pouring cold water into the Busan election.

As the controversy grew, Rep. Park apologized to the citizens of Busan, saying it was a false remark that was different from his original heart.

(Video Design: Hongbitnuri)
