Nak-Yeon Lee “The speculation of public officials betrays the people…I will end the real estate crime”

[사진 이낙연 더불어민주당 상임선대위원장 페이스북]

[사진 이낙연 더불어민주당 상임선대위원장 페이스북]

Regarding the suspicion of a new city land transaction by the Korea Land and Housing Corporation (LH) employees on the 11th, Lee Nak-yeon, together with the Democratic Party’s standing chairman, said, “The speculation of public officials is an anti-social crime that betrays the people.”

Chairman Lee said, “The results of the first full investigation of allegations of speculation in the 3rd new city by the government joint investigation team were announced. I can’t stop my anger.”

On this day, the government surveyed the land transactions of all employees of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport and LH in 8 districts including the 3rd new city. Announced that it has been confirmed.

Chairman Lee raised his voice, saying, “The speculation of public officials is an anti-social crime that betrays the people and tramples the hopes of the common people.”

“That’s the rule of law and the people’s order,” he added, adding, “I hope the Joint Special Investigation Headquarters will find all those involved in speculation and put them on the judging table of the law.”

Chairman Lee said, “We will introduce a strong system in the shortest possible time so that the idea of ​​making money through real estate speculation disappears from our society. I have to. This time, I must see the end.”

“We propose to expand and investigate the subject to all public officials, including members of the National Assembly, government officials of the central government and local governments, and local council members.” I propose to wage a’war against injustice’ beyond’war on speculation’.

Chairman Lee said, “The National Assembly will speed up the reform of laws and systems so that speculative forces will never step into this society again. ,’Land and Housing Corporation Act’,’Real Estate Transaction Act’ and other related laws will be promoted as soon as possible.”

He added, “I will make this case an opportunity to establish justice and trust in our society. I will eradicate real estate crimes that take away the common people’s dream of’preparing my home’ and eat a bit of sound market order.”

Reporter Jeong Hye-jeong [email protected]
