Nak-Yeon Lee, “The belief in’Amnesty to Amnesty’ for MB’ will not change…I will suggest to the President”

Lee Nak-yeon, the leader of the Democratic Party, and the Democratic Party representative of the National Assembly, held an interview with the Hankook Ilbo on the 31st of last month to reveal the New Year’s plan. Reporter Oh Dae-geun

At the beginning of the new year, the politics were swayed by the ‘pardonism of former presidents Lee Myung-bak and Park Geun-hye,’ raised by the Democratic Party representative Lee Nak-yeon. The backlash from the Democratic leadership and key supporters is particularly strong. Nevertheless, in an interview with the Hankook Ilbo on the 3rd, CEO Lee reaffirmed his willingness to propose amnesty to President Moon Jae-in at an appropriate time, saying, “To overcome the national crisis, we must unite the power of the divided people into one.”

Even after the Supreme Council, the Democratic Party’s highest governing body, said,’The public consensus and the reflection of the parties (two former presidents) are important’ regarding the amnesty on the 3rd, Lee said, “The position on the amnesty remains unchanged.” I said in the daily report. It means that it will adjust the speed, but keep the belief that pardons are necessary for’national integration’.

The Hankook Ilbo interviewed CEO Lee on December 31st last year and 3rd this month. Throughout the interview, he responded carefully as if writing with his mouth, chewing each word, but he was convinced when he revealed his plan to offer a pardon. It means that the claim of amnesty is a message that was carefully thought out and planned.

As the president of the ruling party in power and made an early appearance in the next presidential race, the brand of’Dignified and refined Prime Minister Lee Nak-yeon’ was scratched, leading to a decline in the voter approval rating. Representative Lee said, “It is a period of learning politics,” and said that he had no regrets. He will sooner or later start a full-fledged move of the’President Nak-yeon Lee’. It begins with announcing the vision of the’new welfare system’.

Regarding real estate supply measures, CEO Lee said, “We will revitalize housing supply through the market,” and cited redevelopment, floor area ratio easing, and urban high-rise as the realization plan. However, he added the premise that “a significant portion of market profits are converted into tax.”

Representative Lee said that if the new coronavirus infectious disease (Corona 19) situation is somewhat mitigated, “disaster support benefits can be paid to the whole country to boost the economy.” The Democratic Party’s’Prosecution Reform Season 2’drew a line on the theory of impeachment of Prosecutor General Yoon Seok-yeol, saying that it would focus on institutional reform. The following are questions and answers.

Amnesty, why did you take it out

-In the New Year’s Address,’national integration’ was put forward as a major task. The specific plan.

“In the new year, the spirit of integration should spread among the people and conflict should be alleviated. I hope that it will be a year for the people to overcome Corona 19 more comfortably and prepare for the post-Corona 19. To this end, I will propose to the President the amnesty of the two former presidents at an appropriate time.”

-When are you going to suggest it?

“Amnesty is the president’s own authority, so telling the timing is beyond my realm. I will only say’the right time’. We have to look at the situation and we will listen to many opinions.”

-After raising the amnesty theory, the political wave is big.

“Now is the process of overcoming the national crisis (caused by Corona 19). Now, the people are divided in two. Only by uniting the people’s strength can we overcome national difficulties and restore the economy. To do so, politics must be restored and active again. In such a big frame, I spoke of my concerns in Chungjeong. As a representative of the ruling party in power, I will fully consider (before suggesting a pardon) and listen to various opinions.”

-It is unlikely that the pardon would have been drawn out without sympathy with the Blue House. Have you discussed the issue of amnesty while acting alone with President Moon twice recently?

“There was no rapport with the Blue House. I haven’t had a specific conversation with President Moon.”

-If so, was it just an idea without any discussion with the President?”

“Since I worked as Prime Minister, I have been guessing where the President’s thoughts were.”

-Can President Moon be considered positive on pardon?

“It is difficult to say that.”

Of course, even if there was a prior rapport with President Moon, it would be difficult for Lee to disclose it. This is why it is difficult to believe the words of representative Lee, a politician who is famous for his careful words and actions. The Blue House also did not disclose a clear position, and many interpretations were made, and some view the amnesty as the’good faith’ of President Lee for President Moon. Following former President Lee Myung-bak, former President Park Geun-hye’s brother will be confirmed during this month. If the legal conditions of amnesty are met, amnesty will inevitably emerge from the opposition. The gist of’good faith’ is that Lee laid the path first with political burdens in order to fully transfer the initiative and the effect of the amnesty to President Moon. Whether this interpretation is correct will be seen by looking at President Moon’s response in the future.

-Why did you bring Saesam integration in the new year?

“Our social conflict has become more acute. I don’t think we can’t leave this conflict and move forward. Recently, Kim Jong-in, Chairman of the People’s Strength Emergency Response Committee, proposed a meeting of the ruling and opposition parties in order to alleviate the conflict and achieve integration.”

-Indeed, the Democratic Party showed a distant view from unity in last year’s’legislation alone’.

“Last year, the National Assembly handled more than 200 bills, most of which were dealt with by the opposition parties. In particular, this year’s government budget was passed as an agreement between the opposition parties for the first time in six years, within the statutory deadline, and increased it. This is too underestimated. Among the ‘3 Acts on Reform of Powered Institutions’, the National Police Agency Act dealt with the agreement of the opposition parties, and the NIS Act was discussed in depth with the opposition parties. Although the people’s strength had a filibuster (unlimited discussion), there was no struggle or physical treatment beyond the National Assembly Act.

In the past, it would have been nice if the ruling and opposition parties agreed to deal with important laws (the High-Level Public Officials Crime Investigation Office Act, the 3 Economy Act, etc.). This is where I feel unfortunate. But we couldn’t continue to delay the bill for an agreement.”

Together with the Democratic Party’s representative Lee Nak-yeon, during a New Year’s interview with the Hankook Ilbo at the party representative office of the National Assembly on the 31st of last month, he is showing a specially made notebook. Reporter Oh Dae-geun

Introducing an economic policy for mid-scale expansion of “I will help companies”

When’integration’ is interpreted in political engineering, it is a mid-way expansion. It is read as a plan to embrace the middle class and broadly moderate pay in preparation for the by-election of the Mayor of Seoul and Busan in April and the presidential election next year. Representative Lee said that he would incorporate the concept of integration into the policy. In his New Year’s speech, CEO Lee said, “I will help companies and make a new leap forward in the economy. Let’s build a vibrant economy that encourages the wildness of businessmen and the challenges of youth.” It has preempted’corporate vitality’, which is usually considered as a remuneration agenda.

-How do you plan to help the company?

“At the end of last year, the regular National Assembly handled many bills, but the bills for innovative growth and fostering new industries were delayed. Such bills will be concentrated until the provisional National Assembly in February. The bill for the’Korean version of the New Deal’ will also be concentrated in February. These are laws that support companies and ease regulations so that companies can self-innovate and foster new industries.”

-The business community feels that the Act on Punishment for Severe Accidents is also a regulation.

“I think that companies should also accept because human life has a value that cannot be exchanged for anything.”

-In the New Year’s speech, the expansion of finance was also emphasized.

“In the new year, macroeconomic indicators will rebound or go to a recovery phase, but people’s livelihoods will not recover immediately and it will take time. We must redefine the role of bridging such a time gap. This time (as the 3rd disaster subsidy) we decided to provide 9.3 trillion won to 5.8 million people, but it is not enough. Therefore, it will not be too late to review the formation of additional budgets to support the victims (such as small business owners and the vulnerable to employment). If the Corona 19 situation subsides to some extent, we can also support the whole country to boost the economy.”

-Why is national support after Corona 19?

“It is because there is a conflict between strengthening quarantine measures and at the same time implementing a policy of spending money outside the home.”

-Is real estate regulation deregulation subject to review to boost economy?

“About the 7th, I will focus on the housing issue with Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport Byeon Chang-heum. The policy prepared by the Democratic Party and the policy of the new minister will be put on the table together to enhance the policy completion. At the same time as expanding the supply of public housing (promoted by the government), it is believed that measures to facilitate the supply of housing in the market can be combined. A significant portion of the market profits generated by the housing supply are being converted into taxes, and the funds are being considered for public housing supply.”

-Does’Supply of housing through the market’ include reconstruction and green belt deregulation?

“It’s not a great way to start with the green belt. There are redevelopment and floor area ratio easing. There are also plans to increase urban skyscrapers or secure residential land. Through this, we believe that a significant portion of the supply through the market can be secured.”

-1 Do you prepare relief plans for homeowners or newlyweds who have difficulty in arranging a home?

“The consideration for them should also be considered.”

Lee Nak-yeon, head of the Democratic Party, is giving a New Year interview with the Hankook Ilbo at the party’s office of the National Assembly on the 31st of last month. Reporter Oh Dae-geun

“As a presidential candidate, we will present a vision for a new welfare system”

-After the Seoul-Busan mayoral election in April, the presidential election is in full swing. What do you think of the spirit of the next presidential election?

“It is progress and integration. The 4th Industrial Revolution and Corona 19 overlap, adding to confusion and anxiety. It is’advancing’ in that you have to overcome this and move forward. In the sense that the people must go together in order to cross the confusion and anxiety into the future,’national integration’ is necessary.”

-What kind of vision will you show as a presidential candidate?

“I have always thought that what to do as a leader of the ruling party and what to do as an individual (the president of the presidential election) should not be mixed up. So, those who paid attention to me would have been frustrated with that. Each field is preparing a policy (for the presidential election). I will start with a policy that does not deviate significantly from the party’s representative office. At the New Year press conference, I will reveal my thoughts on how to protect the lives of the people in an era of uncertainty and anxiety. We will present a vision that is well-deserved and fully worthy for Korea to pursue.”

-What is the specific content?

“I will present a new welfare system. In addition to income, national demands are rising in all directions, including education, childcare, medical care, health, housing, and environment, and there is a duty that the state must meet. That is the new welfare system. ”

-Isn’t the’Lee Nak-yeon brand’ somewhat lost in power as the ruling party’s representative? The approval rate linked to President Moon’s approval rate is falling.

“It should be viewed as the difference between administration and politics. If you don’t like being hurt, you can’t avoid politics. In the age of legislative conflict and conflict, the ruling party’s representative is expected to face a lot of wind. Personal popularity can also hurt. But through that process, you will learn anew and become stronger.”

-What new lessons did you learn as the party representative?

“How political conflicts and confrontations unfold and end, and political leaders are now learning what to do in the process. While working as prime minister, I learned what the government does, and as the party representative, I learn what politicians do. This is a very valuable class for me.”

Prosecution reform is “institutional reform”…

Representative Lee reaffirmed his intention to focus on’institutional reform’ in relation to the reform of the prosecution. It also drew a line on the promotion of the impeachment of Prosecutor General Yoon Seok-yeol, which some of the Democratic Party argued. It seems to be a willingness to get out of the composition of’Chumiae-Yoon Seokyeol’.

-What is the content of’Prosecution Reform Season 2’promoted by the Democratic Party Prosecutors’ Reform Special Committee?

“There are three big things. The separation of prosecution and investigation, elimination of the potential for abuse of the prosecution’s power that led to selective justice and unfair investigation, and the establishment of a revised criminal procedure law (with the main focus of adjusting the power of investigation and reducing the scope of direct prosecution investigation).”

-Some view’Prosecution Reform Season 2’as a strategy to retaliate for failure in disciplinary action by President Yoon or to ensure security after President Moon’s retirement.

“Before, it was difficult to adjust the power of prosecutors and police officers, and as a result, the revised criminal procedure law will be implemented in the new year. Usually, there would have been a strong mood to wait for the effect of the enforcement of the criminal procedure law. With the impact of the current (Chu-Yun conflict, etc.), it was not unnatural to talk about additional institutional prosecution reform. The matters surrounding the prosecutor general’s discipline did not go well enough for the president to apologize, but in the process, the public became more sympathetic to the need for reform at the prosecution. As a result,’Prosecution Reform Season 2’is conceived.”

-Last year, after the two-month decision to be suspended by President Yoon of the Ministry of Justice, he wrote on Facebook that “I hope you will decide to take up like a public official.” Did you mean that President Yoon should resign?

“It should be said that the issue has been replaced by a disciplinary issue. (The court put a brake on disciplinary action) It is to promote institutional prosecution reform as a follow-up measure. The court accepted two reasons, including the judge’s inspection, among the reasons for disciplining President Yun. It is fair that Yun feels the responsibility he deserves.”

-Some parties insist that the impeachment of President Yun should be promoted.

“This is the process of organizing the party’s position. Please understand that institutional prosecution reform is the party’s official position.”

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