Nak-Yeon Lee “Suk-yeol Yoon, remarks that the term will be ended…There will be no time for the election”

[이데일리 오희나 기자] Lee Nak-yeon, the leader of the Democratic Party, appeared in the JTBC newsroom on the 21st and said, “There will be no time to go to the election once the term ends.”

When asked if he thought that Prosecutor General Yoon Seok-yeol would be willing to do politics, he replied, “Who knows, other than myself,” and “I would like to go to the election because he said he would end his term of office only by remarks.”

In addition, Democratic Party representative Lee Nak-yeon attends and speaks at the high-ranking party political council held at the Yeouido National Assembly in Seoul on the morning of the 20th. (Photo = Yonhap News)

In a difficult situation for small business owners and self-employed people due to the Corona 19 outbreak, he announced that he would promote the loss compensation system, profit sharing, and social solidarity fund’Corona 3 Act’. Lee said, “The loss compensation system targets business owners who have suffered losses in cooperation with the government’s quarantine guidelines. It is a bill that compensates for losses, and profit donation is a bill about how to distribute profits between large companies and SMEs, platform companies and affiliated franchisees.” Regarding the point that the Loss Compensation Act is likely to require a large budget right now, he said, “The fiscal authorities will not be able to do so. Nevertheless, there is no disagreement between the party and the party in the part that it is correct to compensate.”

Regarding the schedule of the bill, “I would like to issue a bill even at the beginning of the National Assembly in February.” “There is already a bill to compensate for losses and donate profits. “Social solidarity will have to be rectified a little and come up with a bill.”

He also mentioned the educational gap caused by the Corona 19 incident. It was announced that it will support low-income children through the educational safety net, basic education system, direct communication, and reinforcement of public education.

Representative Lee said, “The educational gap is widening due to non-face-to-face classes. “We will implement an educational safety net that supports classes for children from low-income families, such as classroom equipment and WiFi, and will provide pre-school teachers for after-school classes for the lower grades.” He added, “Except for dual-income families who have difficulty in online classes at home. I will apply to come to school and study.”

When asked if Gyeonggi Governor Lee Jae-myeong pointed out that it was not suitable for the quarantine situation, saying,’I am going to the right with a blinking left,’ regarding the lump sum payment of disaster support funds to all citizens, Lee replied, “There is no difference from the party position.”
