Nak-Yeon Lee “I was struck by an egg, I must have had something to say I desperately want to say” [영상]

Lee Nak-yeon, who was greeted by an egg in Chuncheon, Gangwon-do, who visited to examine public sentiment, said that he did not want punishment for the person who threw the egg.

On the 5th, CEO Lee said on Facebook on the 5th, “Today I was hit with an egg in the face of the Chuncheon Central Market.” “The police took a few minutes at the scene to investigate. I told the police not to punish them.”

He added, “They must have had something to say earnestly.”

[사진 이낙연 페이스북]

[사진 이낙연 페이스북]

On this day, CEO Lee was struck by a raw egg thrown by a woman in her 50s belonging to the ‘Central Ruins Protection Headquarters’ who opposes the Chuncheon Legoland project while moving to the Joongang Market after a meeting with young entrepreneurs in the food industry in Chuncheon.

The woman threw the egg three times, asking, “Why did you permit Legoland?” Lee, who was struck by an egg on the right side of his face, wiped off the egg on his face, replaced the mask with a new one, and satisfies the schedule of visiting the market.

After Lee left the office, a police officer who received a citizen’s report was dispatched, but Lee’s supporters, who were struck by an egg thrown by a woman, also received an apology from a woman and said they did not want punishment. Throwing an egg is a crime of assault, and if the victim does not want it, the perpetrator cannot be punished.

Representative Lee said on this day, “I later heard that the members of the Central Ruins Guardian Headquarters protested against the Legoland permission.” “I understand the passion and sighs of protecting the cultural property. It is said that the cultural property authorities, local governments, and civic groups have talked for quite some time, but it is unfortunate.”

Reporter Jeong Hye-jeong [email protected]
