Nak-Yeon Lee “Democratic Party 20,000 joined on Christmas… Continued promotion of prosecution reform”

Nak-yeon Lee, CEO of the Democratic Party. © News1 Reporter Park Se-yeon

On the 28th, Nak-yeon Lee, CEO of the Democratic Party, said, “During the Christmas holiday, 21,000 people have joined the Democratic Party.”

Representative Lee said at the Supreme Council’s meeting held at the National Assembly this afternoon, saying, “It’s almost explosive compared to normal times.”

The explosive increase in membership of the Democratic Party seems to be a gathering of supporters due to the return of prosecutor general Yoon Seok-yeol to his duties and the court arrest of Professor Jeong Gyeong-sim, the wife of former Justice Minister Cho Kook.

Representative Lee said, “It reminds me of the fact that many people responded with a rush to join the group five years ago and encouraged the Democratic Party.”

He said, “I am grateful for the loyalty of all the inmates who are concerned about Korea and the Democratic Party.”

On this day, the Supreme Council of the Democratic Party voted to expand and reorganize the TF (task force) within the party to a special committee on reform of the prosecution. Yoon Ho-jung, chairman of the National Assembly Legislative Judicial Council, served as the special committee chairman and consisted of 19 lawmakers.

Representative Lee said, “We will continue to promote institutional prosecution reform, centered on the Special Prosecutors’ Reform Committee,” he said.

“I think all opinions are an expression of loyalty to the Republic of Korea and the Democratic Party.” “We will wisely adjust various opinions within the special committee for reform of the prosecution and decide responsibly. I hope you do it.”

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