Na Gyeong-won “My management is good too”… Breaking through controversy

Former lawmaker Na Kyung-won (pictured left), who was running for the 4·7 Seoul Mayor’s by-election, chose to break through the recent’Na Management Controversy.

After announcing his pledge to provide benefits of 100 million won or more to young adults and newlyweds, he has been criticized by rival candidates for the “money-giving pledge” that President Huh Gyeong-dong would make.

On the 9th, former lawmaker Na said on a radio broadcast, “For future generations, I can be a manager.” He said, “I don’t read the pledge carefully, and I seem to say that,” he said. “I will provide (household loans) interest to young people and newlyweds who buy land rental houses. Horse” he added. “It is a disaster that only 270,000 children are born a year,” said former lawmaker. “If you ask unmarried people,’Why don’t you marry’, they say housing problems?” He said, “I want to provide more interest support in the second period of the public election.”

His breakthrough is interpreted with the intention of preoccupying the issue and raising the degree of attention.

It is also interpreted that it sought differentiation from former Seoul Mayor Oh Se-hoon, a rival in the party. It is interpreted that it has expressed a willingness to implement a policy that is quite different from the former mayor against free meals.

However, Mayor Oh criticized the former lawmaker for his strong experience in municipal administration. Mayor Oh said, “It is possible to supply 10,000 units of land rental housing every year (my former lawmaker’s pledge) only when there is land owned by the city of Seoul or the government.” Pointed out. He then criticized, “Because I am not familiar with the practice, a pledge that is not realistic will come out.”

Meanwhile, on the same day, National Assembly Representative Ahn Chul-soo and former lawmaker Geum Tae-seop (pictured at right), who are pursuing a single candidate for the “third zone,” expressed their willingness to create a third party after the Seoul Mayor’s election.

At a meeting with Maeil Economic Daily recently, Rep. Geum said, “I can’t go to the people’s strength or to the Democratic Party.” He said there was no, but there was a consensus on that part. (After the election) I will try to make something,” he explained.

Representative Ahn and Rep. Geum agreed to hold two TV debates on the same day as the 3rd zone contest. The 1st debate will be held on the 15th with the theme of’The Moon Jae-in Government 4 Year Evaluation and Alternatives’, and the 2nd Debate will be held on the 25th with the theme of’Seoul Vision and Policy’.

[박인혜 기자 / 이희수 기자]
[ⓒ 매일경제 &, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
