[N해외연예] ‘Super Nangang’ Kusanagi Tsuyoshi, 46 years old, sold out… Surprise marriage announcement

Kusanagi Tsuyoshi Instagram © News1

Actor Kusanagi Tsuyoshi, 46, from the popular Japanese group SMAP, is out of stock.

According to a number of Japanese media on the 30th, Kusanagi Tsuyoshi announced a surprise marriage through his agency on the day.

According to the agency, the marriage partner of Kusanagi Tsuyoshi is a non-celebrity, and the two have already registered their marriage. The agency did not disclose specific dating periods, etc.

Tsuyoshi Kusanagi said, “I want to continue my activities in an unchanged attitude from now on,” and “I will work hard every day so that you can support me.”

In addition, he added, “We have announced our marriage in this situation,” and added, “I wish the novel coronavirus infection (Corona 19) end as soon as possible.”

Local media said, “Even though Tsuyoshi Kusanagi has been on the top of the entertainment industry for a long time, I haven’t heard any news of love.

In addition, Tsuyoshi Kusanagi said that he started construction of a mansion in a luxury residential area in Tokyo from last fall, and “it seems that he was preparing for marriage.”

Meanwhile, Kusanagi Tsuyoshi was born in 1974 and debuted in the entertainment industry in 1988 with a Fuji TV drama. From 1991 to 2016, he worked as a group SMAP with Takuya Kimura, Masahiro Nakai, Goro Inagaki, and Shingo Katori. In 2002, Korea announced’I love you so much’, and it is well known as’Super Nangang’ in Korea.

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