[N샷] Park Bom reveals uncorrected cut after 11kg weight loss… “Overflowing Confidence”

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[N샷] Park Bom reveals uncorrected cut after 11kg weight loss… “Overflowing Confidence”

(Seoul = News 1) Reporter Seungah Ko |
2021-01-18 09:55 sent

Park Bom SNS © News1

Singer Park Bom revealed his recent status after a diet.

On the 18th, through his social network service (SNS) account, Park Bom said, “The stylist took a photo of the shooting site saying that it was too pretty even though there was no Photoshop.” “I want to meet people” posted a post.

In the photo released along with this, Park Bom is taking pictures on the spot. Park Bom, wearing a black mini dress, catches the eye with her unrivaled leg length and slim body.

Earlier, on the 4th, Park Bom said, “I was shocked and dieting, subtracting 11 kilograms from 70 kilograms, and 59 kilograms.”

Meanwhile, Park Bom is preparing for a comeback.

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