Myungsoo Kim’s third apology… “I’m disappointed by my knowledge, and I try to make a’good trial’”

Chief Justice Kim Myung-soo (62, 15th Judicial Research and Training Institute) said on the 4th, “I apologize once again for causing disappointment and worries due to my failure.” Seong-geun Lim (57, 17th Training Institute) is the first official schedule since the controversy over the’false clarification’ regarding the takeover of the former Busan High Court chief judge. Chairman Kim attended the National Court Presidents’ Meeting held on video that day.

According to the Supreme Court, Chief Justice Kim said at this meeting, “I once again apologize for causing disappointment and concern to all the court family members due to my unacknowledgement. I will make an effort.”

He continued, “We will continue to reform the structure of the judicial administration and improve the system for a’good trial’ through communication with not only the members of the court, but also society. I earnestly ask you to give a’good trial’,” he added.

Supreme Court Chief Kim Myung-soo is on the morning of the 4th of last month to go to the Supreme Court in Seocho-gu, Seoul. [뉴시스]

Supreme Court Chief Kim Myung-soo is on the morning of the 4th of last month to go to the Supreme Court in Seocho-gu, Seoul. [뉴시스]

Supreme Court Chief Kim was controversial over last month that the impeachment bill for the first time in the history of his constitution prevented the resignation of former vice-president Lim, which was resolved. Suspicion was raised that he detained former vice-president Lim, who wished to resign last year, and discussed the possibility of impeachment by the National Assembly.

Supreme Court Chief Kim explained that it was not true that he said that the resignation could not be accepted due to the issue of impeachment. Are receiving.

  On the morning of the 8th of last month, in front of the Supreme Court in Seocho-gu, Seoul, there is a Geunjo Wreath urging the resignation of Chief Justice Kim Myung-soo. [뉴시스]

On the morning of the 8th of last month, in front of the Supreme Court in Seocho-gu, Seoul, there is a Geunjo Wreath urging the resignation of Chief Justice Kim Myung-soo. [뉴시스]

Supreme Court Chief Kim apologized to the reporters on the way home from work on the 4th of last month as the aftermath of the controversy over lies was intensifying inside and outside the court, saying, “Whatever the reason, I am deeply apologized and sorry to Judge Im and all those disappointed.

Subsequently, on the 19th of last month, he posted an article on Courtnet, the court’s internal network, and said, “I deeply apologize for causing great disappointment and concern for my careless response.” There was no consideration.”

Despite the two apologies of Supreme Court Chief Kim, criticism continued that the Supreme Court had noticed the impeachment of a judge led by the ruling party in power. Some point out that the independence of the judiciary has been provoked by Chief Justice Kim himself. In this regard, the case where the power of the people and conservative organizations accused Chief Justice Kim of abuse of authority and obstruction of execution of public affairs due to hierarchies was allocated to the first criminal division of the Seoul Central District Prosecutors’ Office.

Supreme Court Chief Kim’s third apology at the court chairman’s meeting on this day is interpreted as a step to block the spread of controversy.

On the other hand, this meeting of the court chiefs is an additional meeting recently convened by regular court personnel. It has been three months since the regular meeting in December last year. In the situation of the novel coronavirus infection (Corona 19), the agenda will be debated for over two hours on how to maintain the trial function.

Reporter Lee Yoo-jung [email protected]
