‘Mysterious Record Shop’ Subscribers 1 Million Star Economy YouTuber Shuka-Budoknam-Shinsaimdang appeared on the 4MC’Bang Gyeot’

Jang Yoon-jung “Actually, my husband. As if she suffered from memory loss.”

▲’Bedal Gayo-Mysterious Record Shop’

[경기평화신문=김영근 기자] Jang Yoon-jung and Kyu-hyun of’Mysterious Record Shop’ pour out questions about the emergence of economic YouTubers Shuka, Bu-read-nam and Shin-Im-dang with 1 million subscribers.

Their twinkling eyes full of selfishness catch the eye.

To the JTBC’Bedal Gayo-Mysterious Record Shop’ broadcast today, three star economy YouTubers with an average of 1 million subscribers Shuka, Budoknam, and Shinimdang will sort out as guests.

MCs Jang Yoon-jung and Kyu-hyun are going to make their appearance laugh by constantly asking personal questions.

These days, the hottest economic creators Shuka, Budam, and Shinimdang, respectively, attracted 4MC’s Yun Jong-shin, Jang Yoon-jung, Kyu-hyun, and Wendy’s taste from their appearance as experts in stocks, real estate and entrepreneurship, respectively.

In particular, Jang Yoon-jung and Kyu-hyun expressed their gratitude, saying, “Oh, I’ve heard of it” and “They are screaming at the news of their appearance to get close to each other.”

As the story of investment know-how, including stocks and real estate, flowed, Jang Yoon-jung asked, “How much of an asset should I invest?”

So, stock expert creator Shuka shrugged Jang Yoon-jung, saying, “You asked the most important question.”

Also, Jang Yoon-jung began to cautiously raise questions unrelated to the subject, saying, “Would I lose if I bought stock and didn’t talk for two years?” Real estate expert vice read-nam, who immediately noticed that it was a personal question, raised laughter, asking, “Is this the story of a close acquaintance?”

Jang Yoon-jung said, “In fact, as if my husband suffered from memory loss.”

When asked,’What if you invest with 5 million won?’, the three economic creators hesitated at once and silence continued.

Kyuhyun, who was thirsty for realistic advice, immediately laughed at frustration, saying, “Would you like to take it with me?”

Therefore, Shinimdang, an expert on how to make money, who is self-confident, gave Kyuhyun’s question very realistic and useful information. His clear solution is the back door that he made all the staff in the field screaming, raising curiosity.

In addition, Shinsaimdang surprised everyone by revealing both income and current income when working at work.

Wendy, the reaction fairy, showed off her cuteness by showing her mouth open and popping up to’reality reaction’ after hearing his enormous income and the number of YouTube subscribers.

As such, you can check out the honest and informative economic story of the three star economic creators Shuka, Budam, and Shinimdang, and the diverse reactions of 4MC Yoon Jong-shin, Jang Yoon-jung, Kyu-hyun, and Wendy of the mysterious record shop.

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