‘Myeong’, osteopenia and osteoporosis cause and treatment?

[더셀럽 박수정 기자] ‘Myung’ introduces the causes and treatments of osteopenia and osteoporosis, as well as prevention methods to break the vicious cycle of bone health.

On the afternoon of the 26th, EBS1’Myungyeong’ is’Corona 19, how is your bone health?’ Packed on the side.

Bone health risks are increasing due to the effects of Corona 19. In one Italian study, 34% of hospitalized patients with COVID-19 had compression fractures.

This is because patients who are lying down without seeing sunlight have not been able to fill the nutrients necessary for bone health. The majority of fracture patients are under vitamin D levels. Vitamin D and exercise are important elements that should not be indulged in bone health…

80% of the people are deficient in vitamin D. In the recent response to’Life Changes after Corona 19′, which was surveyed by the Korea Institute for Health Promotion, the proportion of’motion reduction’ was not small.

Osteoporosis is increasing year by year, but three-quarters are not aware of it. This is because there is no pain until it breaks. Decreased bone mass can lead to fractures even with a slight alertness.

‘Fall accidents’ more than half of the elderly accident rate. There is also statistics that 20% of them die after one year if they suffer from a fracture in the femur. Bone that has already been broken and weakened is at risk of breaking again, so it is necessary to manage from osteopenia, the previous stage of osteoporosis, to prevent the risk of fracture. What should be paid attention to in the Corona 19 era and the changing daily lives of modern people?

◆Is osteoporosis only affected by menopausal women?

Women in their 50s, whose female hormones are rapidly reduced after fullness, are also threatened with bone health. Bone every 10 years, old bones are replaced with new ones. The female hormone that protected the bones decreases, and as more bones melt, they are exposed to osteoporosis. However, it was also because of hormones that Jeong in his 30s suffered a fracture in the back and spine after giving birth. This is because young women also undergo rapid changes in female hormones during pregnancy and childbirth. In particular, when breastfeeding, minerals become unbalanced, which is a bad condition for bone health. How do you keep the nutrients your bones need? Is there a way to fill a bone that has already been holed?

Even in men, the level of osteopenia, which is the predecessor of osteoporosis, is similar to that of women, so there is no relief. Another disease or family member of weak bones, what is the relationship with osteoporosis?

◆Osteopenia VS Osteoporosis, where do I belong?

In his 60s, Mr. Lee broke a bone by bending over. Based on the results of the BMD test, I was diagnosed with osteoporosis with a BMD of -3.9. If the BMD is -2.5 or less, it is classified as osteoporosis, and if it is -1 or less, it is classified as osteopenia. If you neglect osteoporosis or osteopenia, which is a weakened condition as the bones are already weak, you do not know when a fracture will occur. How to know in advance and prepare for osteopenia and osteoporosis without symptoms before breaking?

◆Simple but lifelong bone health tips

Compression fractures occurred in 34% of patients hospitalized for Corona 19, and the resulting death rate also increased. In the treatment of patients with vitamin D deficiency, which is deeply associated with fractures, an excess of calcium can cause side effects. What is the solution to breaking this vicious circle?

The balance of calcium and vitamin D is important for bones. In order to preserve calcium, you need to reduce your favorite coffee and change your taste buds on salty foods. In addition, vitamin D controls and absorbs calcium, so you need to maintain an appropriate concentration. 80% of the world’s people are at the stage of lack of vitamin D, and vitamin D, unlike calcium, is a nutrient that cannot be filled with food. How to properly fill calcium and vitamin D, which are important for fracture prevention?

In addition, people cited’lack of momentum’ as one of their life changes due to the corona 19 effect. Weight-bearing exercise is important for maintaining bone mass… So, how do you exercise for bone health? In this broadcast, we will learn about normal movements that are particularly bad for bones, and introduce’Home+exercise’, which can be done at home without straining bones with a professor of physical education. The prevention and treatment of bone health, selected by Professor Yoo-mi Yoo, a professor of endocrinology in Korea, will be disclosed.

‘Myeong’ is broadcast every Friday at 9:50 pm.

[더셀럽 박수정 기자 [email protected] / 사진=EBS1 ‘명의’ 캡처]
