Myeong-jin, a victim of MB temple, “Going for a drink on a Bentley? NIS work”

Monk Myung-jin discloses the contents of illegal inspection documents by the National Intelligence Service
“Spread a testament to believers to lower their reputation”
“Ja-seung, Ahn Sang-soo meet Hyung-jun Park before discussing’Myeong-jin’s summary”
“MB 靑, monk personal life lead to catastrophe”

Myeongjin monk. I’m the head of Bongeunsa Temple in Seoul. Book publishing provided by ESOL

Monk Myung-jin, who was victim of illegal civilian inspections by the National Intelligence Service during the Lee Myung-bak administration, claimed on the 19th that Park Hyung-joon, former head of the Blue House, discussed the deprivation of his victory with the former general secretary of Jo Gye-jong.

Myung-jin explained that his victory was deprived of his victory through the work of the National Intelligence Service, and that there was an intervention by the Blue House and former chief Park was involved in this. Former Chief Park is currently serving as a candidate for the power of the people in the Busan Mayor’s by-election.

On this day, monk Myung-jin appeared at the news factory of TBS Kim Eo-joon and released the contents of an illegal inspection document by the NIS. It is a document from the NIS that contains how the NIS inspected itself illegally and the planning process for deprivation of victory. The document was received after the Supreme Court issued a decision to disclose related documents in December of last year, and Myeong-jin received 13 out of 30 temple documents related to him.

“Former chief Lee Dong-gwan threatens personnel to testify…靑 intervention”

People’s Strength Busan Mayor Park Hyung-joon, former Blue House chief politician, is rehearsing before the 2nd confrontation debate for the People’s Strength Busan Mayor’s contest held at KNN Studio in Haeundae-gu, Busan on the afternoon of the 18th. News 1

Monk Myung-jin said, “In September 2009, former Chief Park Hyung-jun and former Chief Ja-seung met. So in November of that year, former lawmaker Ja-seung and Ahn Sang-soo (then GNP leader) met, saying,’Is it possible to leave the head of the left? “When I talked about this, former chief Park was the chief executive officer of the Blue House.”

Monk Myung-jin said, “When Ahn made a remark on the resignation of the left-wing governor, there was a man named Kim Hyeong-guk. He said, “Geo-sa Kim had some problems with the violation of the election law, and he (former Lee) will solve it, so he put great pressure on him not to testify.”

As a result, Geosa Kim gave a testimony, and his wife, who worked as an employee of the temple, quit her job. Kim Geo-sa is still doing nothing, Myeong-jin said.

“Park Hyung-jun, telling the chief facility governors’Please give MB’s strength'”

On July 19, 2010, Ahn Sang-soo (right), the head of the Grand National Party, visits Jogyesa Temple in Gyeonji-dong, Seoul, and shakes hands with General Secretary Ja-seung Jo Gye-jong. Reporter Oh Dae-geun

Monk Myung-jin also said, “(Park, former chief) was in charge of religion, and on December 24, 2009, the chief of a large temple in Chungnam was gathered from Cheonan, and former President Ja-seung and former chief Park visited the place. “The Cheongwadae and Jogyejong were closely united to the point that they had to cooperate with Baek Ji-hwa and give power to the Lee Myung-bak regime.”

When asked,’Is all this in the document I received?’, Myeong-jin said, “It was not only in the document, but also in other records, and it came out as news.”

Monk Myung-jin explained that the document describes how the NIS and Jogye-jong moved to deprive him of his victory.

He said, “The document says,’Myeongjin, who owns personal assets in Gyeongbuk, will initiate a detailed investigation to General Secretary Deokmoon, the head of the Jogye-jong,’. Jogye-jong informed the Buddhist media. “Is it possible that a Buddhist reporter knew?”

On November 27, 2018, the prosecution, who is investigating the suspicion of illegal inspections involving political involvement by the intelligence police during the Lee Myung-bak administration, is confiscating and searching the National Police Agency Information Bureau in Seodaemun-gu, Seoul. The photo shows the lobby of the Police Agency in Migeun-dong, Seoul. News 1

Monk Myung-jin claimed that the Duke of the National Intelligence Service was under the direction of the Blue House. He said, “In 2018, the presidential records were secretly moved during the seizure and search of the Yeongpo Building.” Among the documents from the basement of the (Yeongpo) building, the contents of’consider a strategic response to Myeong-jin, who is acting in the middle of Gangnam,’ he said. It comes out,” he said.

Myeong-jin said, “I know from an accurate person that at the time, former chief of the National Intelligence Service Won Se-hoon came to Bongeunsa Temple in February 2010 and said,’We must prevent Myeongjin from sticking to Bongeunsa.

Monk Myung-jin said, “The contents of the inspections and records at the National Intelligence Service came from the Yeongpo Building, where the presidential records were hidden,” and said, “In a close connection between the Blue House and the National Intelligence Service, the case where the life of a monk was completely brought to a cataclysm “He raised his voice.

Monk Myung-jin starts acting badly with MB from the time of presidential candidate

Bongeunsa Temple in Samseong-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul. Hankook Ilbo data photo

Buddhist monk Myung-jin said that the NIS spread the rumors that insulted him among believers.

He said, “I ride a Bentley, and the story that I had a few tens of billions of dollars became a talk among believers by the time I finished jurisdiction of Bongeunsa,” he said. “There is no underground parking lot in Bongeunsa, but I hide the Bentley in the underground parking lot. At night, I secretly go to the parking lot at night. Going down, drinking and playing, they made rumors.”

He also said, “There is a woman and two children. There is a content that a woman runs a restaurant,” he said. “In order to lower the reputation, the NIS document has to disseminate this information widely through the Internet and conservative media.”

On December 26, 2011, former Democratic Party lawmaker Chung Bong-ju attended a farewell event in front of the Seoul Central District Prosecutors’ Office in Seocho-dong and said goodbye to his wife (right) and monk Myung-jin (left). Reporter Choi Heung-soo

Earlier in June of last year, monk Myung-jin filed a lawsuit for damages of 1 billion won against the state and Jogye sect for the damage of illegal inspections.

Lee Myung-bak’s elder brother Lee Sang-deuk, former Grand National Party lawmaker Lee Myung-bak, refused to greet the congregation when Lee Myung-bak’s elder brother Lee Sang-deuk, who was then presidential candidate, visited Bongeunsa on the first day. During the Lee Myung-bak administration, monk Myeong-jin held a cultural festival against the Four Major Rivers at Bongeunsa Temple and supported the mad cow disease rally.

Ho Gye-won, a judicial body of the Jogye sect, deprived the monk of Myeong-jin, who was referred to disciplinary action in May 2017, on suspicion of losing his victory.

Ryuho reporter

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