Myanmar’s worst bloodshed… 138 protesters died in 40 days.

On the 15th, a family of demonstrators who were shot and killed by the military in Yangon, Myanmar, are raging. Yangon = Reuters Yonhap News

Since the military coup on the 1st of last month, at least 138 protesters have been killed by the military police so far. Amid growing concerns around the world, the Joe Biden administration has urged the international community to sanction the Myanmar military.

UN spokesman Stefan Dujarik said at a regular briefing on the 15th (local time), “We witnessed a bloodshed weekend in Myanmar.” According to the United Nations Human Rights Office, at least 138 peace protesters including women and children were violated. I was killed in the situation.”

These figures include figures last weekend that killed dozens of people, Dujarik said. In Myanmar, at least 59 people died in two days on the 13th and 14th. In particular, on the 14th, where 38 people were killed, the largest number of victims came out since protests against the coup began in Myanmar. It is more than the 28th of last month, when 18 people died and was called’Blood Sunday’. It is also observed that the actual total death toll will be higher than the official United Nations count. Local media, Myanmanau, reported that at least 59 people died in Yangon on the 14th as a result of collecting data from local hospitals.

A spokesman for Dujarik said, “UN Secretary-General Antony Guterchs has appealed for’strongly condemning the continuing violence against peace protesters and violations of the basic human rights of Myanmar.” “The international community has urged the people of Myanmar to join forces with their democratic aspirations,” he added. UN Envoy Christine Schraner Burginer also criticized in a statement that “the Myanmar military is ignoring the international community’s demands for restraint and dialogue recommendations, including the UN Security Council.”

Joe Biden’s US administration also raised its voice as “immoral and unacceptable behavior” over the suppression of the Myanmar military. “The military responded with bullets to the call for democracy restoration in Burma (myanmar’s old name),” said Jelina Porter, a deputy spokesman for the US Department of State. “This reminds us that the military conducted a coup only for their own benefit.” Insisted. “We continue to demand that all countries take concrete measures against coups and violence,” he urged the international community to impose sanctions on the military.

Heo Gyeongju reporter

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