Myanmar’s military, which is clogged up with money, “will confiscate all citizen deposits”

Military foreign fund blockade and economic downturn double high
Most of the banking staff are on strike
Possibility of’forced transfer’ of private funds is low
Over 200 protesters died… The guerrilla warfare phase

On the 18th, during an anti-coup protest in Yangon, Myanmar, colleagues are transporting a citizen who was shot by riot troops. Mijima news capture

The military coup in Myanmar has announced a confiscation of deposits in the financial sector, which is the core foundation of the’Civil Disobedience Movement (CDM)’. The aim is to overcome the situation where the operating funds of the military administration are gradually drying up due to international sanctions, and to crush the CDM from the source. However, citizens are working to prevent forced transfer of deposits while maintaining a strong force of resistance. The number of deaths in protests surpassed 200 due to repeated bloody suppression by the military.

According to local media such as Irrawaddy on the 18th, the military responded to private banks that participated in the CDM on the 9th. Was informed. Miyawadi Bank is a military-owned financial institution, and the Economic Bank is also fully controlled by the military government. The military, facing financial difficulties due to the economic sanctions of the United States and the European Union (EU), has expressed ambition to rob citizens of Ssamjit money as government funds.

Strike financiers are resisting military threats. There is a corner to believe. An official from Myanmar’s largest Kamboja Bank, which has 500 branches nationwide, said, “As the financial system was paralyzed, the sense of crisis in the military increased, but there is no possibility that the majority of strikers will return to work.” This is because private banking practitioners do not have the personnel to take part in the strike and transfer deposits, and even if they confiscate funds, many central bank employees who must deliver them are also participating in the CDM.

The unmanned coconut demonstration appeared in downtown Yangon on the 18th. SNS capture

The heavily poisoned military unit slaughtered more than 15 demonstrators in Sagaing Province on the 17th and 18th. In large cities such as Yangon, threats continued, saying, “If we do not remove the barricade that prevents troop movement, we will fire.” In the process, a 16-year-old high school girl in Mandalay was killed by a military aiming fire. According to Irrawaddy, based on its own statistics, “the number of civil victims has reached 216 so far.” The UN Human Rights Representative also estimates that more than 200 protesters were killed by military bullets.

Citizens’ resistance to the endless repression of the military is also changing. After martial law was issued on the 14th, a traditional Myanmar doll’Pitateung’ appeared on the street.From the day before, citizens are continuing the’unmanned protest’ by exhibiting a large number of coconut fruits (Yangon) and photos of Aung San Suu Kyi’s national torture (Kachin and Shan). . The young protesters, though not enough, are mobilizing slingshots and Molotov cocktails to face the guns of the military forces.

Young men throw Molotov cocktails against riot troops at an anti-coup protest held in Yangon, Myanmar on the 18th. SNS capture

Hanoi= Jaeho Jeong Correspondent

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